Enter to Win a Diamond Radeon R9 280X Graphics Card

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Damn you Americans! Canadians like to game too, and we don't even need to worry about cooling systems, we just set up outside.

Turn off heating and you can also set up inside.

Why is Rhode Island excluded? Did the corrupt RI Lottery push lew legislation prohibiting people from entering sweepstakes from other states?

RI has a very strict law concerning games of chance. To run a giveaway of high value item in rhode island, the company has to file a statement and pay a $150 filing fee. I think the item has to be worth round $500 for this to be in effect, not entirely sure what happens for giveaways of lower value. if a company fails in filing this statement and paying the fee, they will be guilty of misdemeanor.

It really sucks that the law is this way because its just driving business away from the state. Im pretty sure THG wont be going to rhode island to file anything or pay any ghastly fee any time soon just for a giveaway.
all of you guys complaining about these things being US only

you realize that it's not Tom's issue but a problem of government regulations right? you can petition your government to push for standardized international regulations about these contests if you want there to be one for your country

MSRP is for a reference card, once you put a non reference cooler on them, msrp goes up. 320-350 is about where the card was sitting, than everything sold out, and only it came back in, price goudge. the only place you can get a 280X is dell for 350$

i cant blame them for adjusting for supply and demand, though i do think 120+$ over msrp is retarded, im now waiting on them going to reasonable numbers again.

You sir are correct. I bought my ASUS 7970 for 250USD like 4 months ago, now I get get inferior 7970s for like 400 minimum. I think its time I sell mine for 450 and buy a 780 off ebay.
@U_gonna_squeal, Meowmix, etc that are complaining about the higher price on ATI cards.

You obviously don't understand supply and demand. Everyone wants to repeal the law of supply and demand and it's NOT POSSIBLE. It's not a government law, it's a natural law.

Raising the price actually makes it more likely that you can get one of those cards if you really want one. If the price stayed below the market demand, people would just buy them all out immediately. It doesn't matter if they place a quantity limit, there are always ways around that if you are willing to find them. (Besides, why would you put a quantity limit of 1 on an item that is designed to work in tandem with up to at least 4 cards in one PC possible? That makes no sense!) If the retailers left the price at MSRP, they would sell out nearly instantly and the only place you could buy them would be on ebay etc. where you would likely have to pay even more than what the retailer is charging now? How would that make any sense to the retailer and how would it help you? They should sell it for less than what it's real value is on an open market just so their customer could buy it from them and mark it up to sell to someone else? Get real! I am so sick of whiners that think everything is about them. Competition works. It makes things available to the most people at the best price. The only way "price gouging" is possible is if there is a monopoly on the product. So long as there is competition prices will gravitate to the lowest possible price where a profit margin can be maintained and supplies are available. It's basic economics and human nature. Where the problems come in is when people try to meddle with these natural laws. Take a look at the mess of Obamacare for an example of that. Government meddling in the insurance industry has on average doubled the price of insurance and tripled the deductible so you are paying a fortune for something that will only help you if you have catastrophic health problems. You used to be able to get catastrophic only insurance for $50 per month. Freedom and Capitalism work every time they are tried, but there are always a bunch of whiners crying "its not fair" and "there ought to be a law" messing it up for everyone. No one cares or should care that you want to buy a stock at lower than market price, why should it be any different with a video card? The market works, always has, always will if left alone to work without over-regulation.

I still have one of their early cards.
2MB ram with 2 sockets for another 2MB.
Those were the days.

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