alidan :
MSRP is for a reference card, once you put a non reference cooler on them, msrp goes up. 320-350 is about where the card was sitting, than everything sold out, and only it came back in, price goudge. the only place you can get a 280X is dell for 350$
i cant blame them for adjusting for supply and demand, though i do think 120+$ over msrp is retarded, im now waiting on them going to reasonable numbers again.
Even the 290 and 290x are being marked up to $530 and $630 respectively when they should be $400 and $500 and there are no non-reference cards out for either of them yet. I would gladly pay $320 for a decent non-reference 280x. $10-20 over MSRP is perfectly acceptable. $120-150 over? No chance in hell I pay that much for a 280x. As late as the first week of December it was possible to get a regular HD 7970 non-reference (I think XFX) for $260 brand new after a rebate. Now, the
same exact card is $469 after a $30 rebate, the same price as the
7970 GHz edition XFX. You can't even get a new 7950 for less than $400 and they were going for under $250 w/o a rebate as late as the 1st week of December as well. I can wait until the litecoin miners can no longer turn a profit off of even a 290x. Instead of paying $400-$420 for a 280x now, I'll wait a month or two and get a 290 for the same price which is what it was supposed to be in the first place. By then there will be NR 290s as well. I checked Dell also and the earliest the order will be ready is 6 weeks. That is about the same amount of time that all the retailers who are still taking orders of the 280x at normal prices are backed up to. If you try to order a $320 NR 280x from a place like Adorama it will take about 6 to 8 weeks to get it. If you want it before Christmas, expect a free colonoscopy from Newegg or Tiger Direct.