I really hope I didn't enter this already from home; don't think so, but...I wish instead of discarding ALL entries if someone put in more than one, you kept just the last one submitted. People do make honest mistakes.
Anyway, I'd be happy to win any of them. Their destiny would be:
$2400 PC:
The simple fact is that my 970BE is meeting my current needs. I would set up the mobo, CPU, and RAM for my non-gamer wife, as a massive/overkill upgrade from her 720BE. She creates a lot of sewing and crafting videos for her YouTube channel (sogua2000 for those interested), and would appreciate the speedup more than I would. Besides, the MSI mobo does not have enough SATA ports for the drives I already have. I'd set up the SSD as a SRT drive, not a boot drive, as I've had 2/4 SSDs I bought fail, and the RMA back from one looks like it might have failed now too. I would keep one of the GTX580s for myself, and give away or sell the other, and my current GTX560Ti.
$1200 PC:
I'd built this for my wife in her Antec Sonata III case, except for the GPUs and the SSD. I would keep one of the GPUs; not sure about the second, but I'd probably give it away or sell it. If the FX CPU performed worse than the 720BE my wife has now, I'd put that back in for her (but I'd hope BD doesn't suck THAT hard).
$600 PC:
Once again, my wife would benefit more from this system than I would, although she would not need a powerful GPU.
So essentially, I'd be happy to win any of these systems, and would put them to good use.