Entry level and midrange gpu class seems to be over????


Mar 18, 2013
games in 2015 had made only high end gpu game even if u want to just run it.....the games need r9 290 or gtx 970 to have a playable experience....AC unity and mortal kombat X project cars.......if u want to game in todays age u need high end gpu and cpu .Midrange gpus seem to be complete waste of money like r9 270x and gtx 960
If you want to play GTA 5 for example, I agree that the GTX 960 or R9 270 won't cut it. I run GTA 5 with an 970 OC at high/very high settings. But it is not good enough for ULTRA though.

Not Really, If your playing on 1080P, mid-range GPUs is all you need to play on high settings
If you want to play GTA 5 for example, I agree that the GTX 960 or R9 270 won't cut it. I run GTA 5 with an 970 OC at high/very high settings. But it is not good enough for ULTRA though.