I got the game as a gift and sadly i still had a good 15 hours of play time left on the 50 that you get for free when you buy the game. At the core the idea was awesome a basic cops and robbers game, its very fun but, unbalanced matchmaking system that pitted new players against veterans with jacked up weapons stats and abilities, non stop sniper camps at many of the missions with no real way to finish the objective except hoping a mad rush will break though. The horrid physics of driving (really floaty) and with the new patch you cant even group normaly or decide which missions you want to get, let alone a built in VOIP feature that is broken where push to transmit is broken and you are forced to listen to everyones background noise as they are forced to listen to yours as you are forced to use the always transmit feature instead.
I hope EPIC fixes this charlie foxtrot and gets it back on its feet, I still hope to play it again someday.