Epson TX111 has very slow respond with Windows7

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Jan 22, 2010
I've used Window Vista for a short time before changing to Windows 7 64-bits by upgrading it from Vista. After I've upgrade to Windows 7, all programs seem working well without any problem. (I've tried downloaded the driver for Windows 64 bits and upgrade/update everything I can like Windows 7 or the latest printer driver)

But when I try to print any document from any program or browser, it take very long time (around 10-30 minutes) before the printer start to print .
And before the printing if I try to adjust any option via printer properties in the printing screen of any program, it take a long time (more than 3 minutes) and most of the time it has 'NO RESPONDING' in the program and I cannot do anything with it (but if I wait for a long time, it will show up like nothing wrong).

I've tried using notebook with Windows 7 32-bits, but it has NO problem at all.
I've ask EPSON in my country and they only prove that it works fine with Windows 7 64-bits (and send the document for me). But my problem still exists and I have no idea how can I find out the cause or fixing it.

Anyone has some suggestions for me?
Thanks in advance and apologize for my poor English that may confuse.
Epson creates an audit file (.AUD) in the "C:\ProgramData\Epson\Printers" directory. Delete it (it will be recreated next time you print). That's it! For some reason this file can get messed up and gets really huge.

That should take care of it! Now, what are you going to do with all that spare time on your hands?
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