Erorr 0xC0000719, disc won't show in windows


Aug 18, 2014
I have a problem with my disc. It won't show in windows, but in device management it's shown as connected. It's connected to my system but it isn't working as HDD. How do I solve this? Is the sata port corrupted or am i missing out something? Thank you
HDD: Seagate SSHD
Hey there, xBlaz3kx.

Would you please post a screenshot of what you see in Disk Management about the drive (you can use to upload the image)?
Usually this error code indicates a problem with the OS (missing or corrupted files). You could try running a system restore, to see if the drive is recognized properly afterwards. Another option would be to try and update the OS if you have available updates, to see if that fixes the issue.
However, you can never be too careful, so I'd suggest that you try the drive with a different computer, to see if the same thing happens. Download the manufacturer's diagnostics tool and run some tests, to see if everything's OK with the SSHD. If you don't have a different computer to test the drive with, you could at least try a different SATA port and different cables on yours.

Please let me know how everything goes.

actually I solved this by myself. I downloaded Seagate's DiscWizard and searched for a new drive. It has recognized the disc and I needed to create a partition NTFS, and it works now. Windows successfully detected the disc.