Error accessing Tom's Hardware forum


Dec 25, 2012
When I try to access forums I get this message:

An error occurred while processing your request.

Reference #97.d6c23d17.1438712443.73b5d71

After clicking on refresh many times I get page loaded. I do not get this message under Win 7 / Chrome.

Please advise,
Clearing your browser cache has helped with this in the past. It may also occur as a result of certain firewalls/VPN's being active. To be perfectly honest, I have yet to manage to pinpoint an exact cause of this, but this error has been popping up for users more frequently lately. I will escalate the issue; hopefully the devs will be able to tell me something soon.
Hi Xtcmax, I spoke about this with the developpers and they would need more details to investigate.
Do you still happen to run into this problem? If so can you please share the URL+date/time+OS/browser you used when this happened?
The problem was occurring the same date/time when i posted this question. It started when I was asking a question in Win 10 section, just before this message was posted.

I did the following:
1. Went to the the
2. Clicked on the FORUM nav button at the top of the screen
3. The page then appeared to be as loading, but after some time that Reference Error message would come up.

I used Firefox 39.0.3 and Edge 20.10240.16384.0
Win 10.

The page would load sometimes, for example if I wait a while or click multiple times on the reload button. Sometimes It would help just to switch browsers. The problem stayed with me until I finished being on the forums.

I was trying to verify the problem on Win 7 Chrome, but I could not. The old win 7 machine worked without single error message, while my main PC was having an issue. I recently updated the Win 7 machine with all of the resent updates for Win and Chrome.

Please let me know if I could be of any further assistance.
I'm having the same problem very frequently when trying to access any page. Usually I have to hit refresh several times before it will work. Took me three tries to get to this forum
"An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #97.d6c23d17.1440693253.6a1de59"
Using chrome Version 44.0.2403.157 m on Win7 enterprise
To be perfectly honest, we don't have an answer as to why this happens or what the cause is. The closest we can approximate is that from time to time, there are issues connecting to the local webserver that serves our pages (this would be Akamai, in most cases). It appears to happen more frequently for users behind a VPN or other forms privacy settings. The dev team will continue to look into this but for now, there isn't much more I can tell you.
Today the problem started occurring on IE11 also 🙁
Attempt to post this #1:
An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #97.d6c23d17.1441056332.2ea94e9f

(worked the second time). Took me 3 tries to get to the main page. Lets see if this edit posts.
Just want to add to the mix, I reported this already to Titillating:
My PC, WIn 8.1 64 bit, no AV, no antimalware (removed prior for different reason), no firewall, no VPN, just hardware firewall on Linksys 54GL with bridged modem, this is it.

Browsers completely not working:
FireFox v28
Palemoon latest
Safary for windows latest
Green browser fresh install

Working intermediately:
Chrome fresh install, worked right after installation, quit later
IE v 11
Opera fresh install, worked right after installation, quit later
Vivaldi fresh install, worked right after installation, quit later

Typing on IE, let see if it posts, will clean cookies and try again.

Started around 10:30 am PST today, now it is 5 PM PST or 17:00, whichever you prefer, I sent to Titillating my IP, ISP and my location.
Update. Main PC WIn8.1 64 bit
Used latest CCleaner on everything including DNS cache, then ATF cleaner for leftovers, rebooted and tried to login (not using Google nor Facebook, actually don't have one).
Looks like working, able to login, seems no problems:
IE v11 (typing now)

Not able to login, login button not highlighted or not responding:
Firefox v28
Pale Moon
Safari for Windows

Pale Moon is my favorite, oh well, too bad for me.:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
Major update.

Using now Pale Moon

There is a problem with login screen relation to automatic filing of user name and password.
I made FireFox and Pale Moon to remember logins and passwords, like many users do, I think, so when I tried to login, I was always using autocomplete login and password from FF and Pale Moon, so I decided to enter manually login info and it worked.

As I am typing, I just log out on FF and tried to login automatically - did not work as expected now, after manually entering login info - success.

So, something is wrong with login applet window, please correct me if I am wrong.

Can this be fixed? I don't think that many users like to remember their passwords..... Or it is a new rule to follow?
I do not know if this matters to the developers, but it seems like the problem with the cookies. I noticed that after being signed in for about 45 minutes and doing nothing would give this error.

What I did:
1. signed into forums
2. Posted a topic
3. Went to browse internet without signing off from Tom's
4. After about 45+ minutes I opened Tom's tab and hit refresh and I got the error processing your requesterror
5. I opened the Ccleaner and cleaned out only cookies that came from Tom's
6. Re-opened FF, loaded the site with no problems.