Error Code 0x45d


Jan 9, 2011
I am running Windows 7 on my laptop. My laptop is less than 4 months old. I turned it off one night and the next day when I turned it back on, it would not start up windows. I did the Alt-F10 to restore to factory settings. The restore process got to 74% then I got the Error Code 0x45d. I set the bios to boot from disc and put the installation disc in, but it will not restore. What is this error code and how can I fix it?

The users usually face this issue if Windows 7 is downloaded from Internet and burnt in DVD. If the user tries to

install Windows 7 then “Error Code 5” is displayed. Initially it might turn up as “BOOTMGR is missing”. Even if you

format the hard disk it would not help. To resolve the issue start the installation by inserting the CD and press

any key, click repair option from installation type and in the system recovery command window type in commands,

“BOOTREC /FIXMBR”. Then enter “BOOTREC /FIXBOOT” and finally “BOOTREC /REBUILDBCD”. Afterwards follow system restore

from the same repair window.
I had the same problem as the original poster, but I have already wiped my hard drive through the alt+F10 method. It made it through copying from the back up disc and all the way to the restoring system part, then stopped and gave me the error message. I'll quote the exact Notice:

Restore failed - Error code=0x45d (WIMApplyImage cannot apply image : The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.) Restore unsuccessful. Please try Completely Restore System to Factory Defaults instead.
I had the same problem - wouldn't boot, error code Ox45d.

A friend helped me. Last good configuration worked for us. He traced the problem to an automatic windows update that failed to install properly.

I had visions of buying a new hard drive or more. So glad it was much much simpler than that.