Error Code 43 on used GTX 780

May 18, 2018
I just got a used GTX 780 and I have one issue with it. In device manager, it keeps giving me an error code of 43. I don't know what to do since I tried to reinstall the driver and did most of the solutions. It also doesn't have any artifacts at all. Even when I boot into BIOS it's fine. I have tried everything that most people have done and nothing has happened. I emailed the seller and he said to try to update the VGA bios and I don't know what that is.
My personal theory is my 600w power supply isn't enough power since when I use a PSU calculator the total wattage is 500w - 550w but I don't want to wait for anymore parts.
Edit: If I disable the card via device manager and restart it locks on to 1024x768
For anyone that solves this gets a virtual cookie. Thank you.

My power supply is a EVGA 100-W1-0600-KR. Also how do I update the VGA BIOS?
downlaod gpu-z read the bios info of the card and look at the card. make sure it a true x80 card and not a x7x that had the card bios flashed to try and unlock the other gpu cores. look to see on the card and the lables..see if they look liek they been moved or are covering info of the true part and model number of the gpu. look on the gpu card front and back see if someone tried to oven bake it to try and get the card to work so they could sell it. That is what my GPU-Z shows me.
how old is your mb?? if your mb has two video slots try the gpu in the other see if all the gpu-z boxes are filled in. also try a test or another gpu in your mb see if it reads fine. if it reads fine then you have a control chip failure on the 780. the gpu bios is fine but there a control chip failure as gpu-z cant read all of the info it should.

My mother board is a MSi B350m PRO-VD Plus that I got in March. I also plugged in my broken GTX 960 and everything showed up
If it is a control chip failure, is there a way I can fix it.

I'll try to find someone that is able to fix the card. But I can't get a return since the person doesn't accept any. Also, I'm the secondary user of the GTX 960 so I can't really get a warranty. Let's hope it's another problem and not that one cause that one is a big nightmare.