Error during windows 7 installation


Jul 28, 2011
i have a hcl inffosystems cpu with 2gb RAM, a hitachi hds728080pla380 80gb hard drive, and it used to operate with win xp. while trying to custom install windows 7, the xp files were all deleted. However, the installation process stopped short and on restarting, the installation menu does not install into the hdd saying " the hardware may not support booting to this system." I've formatted the disk using diskpart on cmdprompt, partitioned it into an ntfs volume. it's still not accepted. the microsoft website says:

"This problem occurs because Windows Vista cannot distinguish between ambiguous hard disks.

In versions of Microsoft Windows Setup that are earlier than Windows Vista Setup, hard disks are marked with distinct values to distinguish them. However, this method of distinguishing hard disks is no longer supported because of the potential for data corruption on hard disks.

To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Create one or more partitions on all the hard disks that are not initialized.
Restart the computer.
Install Windows Vista."

i only have two hdds, and i have tried everything i can think off in diskpart.

any help would be deeply appreciated.

mistake.. i only have one hdd. i have to disconnect the harddrive in order for the system to boot using the dvd. otherwise, an error message appears saying bootmanager is missing, as the hdd is empty. It does boot into the dvd but the problem is i cant install the OS because it does not accept the hdd.