Error window appears every startup


Feb 17, 2017
I have an error window which is the first thing to appear as soon as the desktop loads every time I start the PC, it says:

"QuttancesLabelling.dll could not be found"

And that is all, I jsut close the window and it doesn't appear to have any affect on my computer, upon searching for the actuall .dll file I found it is in the system32 folder so i dont want to mess with it.

The pop up is merely annoying as far as I can tell but does anyone know how i could remedy this? it would be much appreciated.
If you cannot uninstall this try disabling the application from starting when windows starts:
For windows 7:
Type "msconfig" without quotes >startup tab Note: You'll likely find the program associated to this error.
For windows 10:
Right click type "Task Manager" without quotes > startup tab Note: You'll likely find the program associated to this error.
You can disable it that list of applications from launching when windows starts.
Uninstalling the application called QuttancesLabelling would most likely do the trick, unless it's something that you are actually using.
If that is the case, then disable it from startup, which in Windows 8/8.1/10 is in the Task Manager, or Start>Run>msconfig for Windows 7 and below.
If you cannot uninstall this try disabling the application from starting when windows starts:
For windows 7:
Type "msconfig" without quotes >startup tab Note: You'll likely find the program associated to this error.
For windows 10:
Right click type "Task Manager" without quotes > startup tab Note: You'll likely find the program associated to this error.
You can disable it that list of applications from launching when windows starts.