estimate fps on bf4 with this setup, just a guess...


Mar 21, 2013
So hi there, pc specs are these (on a budget)


Intel Pentium g3258 (will oc over 4ghz for sure)


Msi gaming 7

Gpu gtx 460

Ram : Kingston Hyperx 4gb 1333hz CL9

PSU : LC-POWER LC6600 v2

FYI i am just replacing my old mobo and cpu keeping all the rest same for now since on very tight budget. Previous mobo is msi 880gm-42 and cpu amd x3 455 3.3ghz. I cant even play bf4 at low not playable. So i will start by buying the base (mobo) cheaper cpu as possible,(will upgrade to 4690k ~1-2months. Looking to get 1600hz ram aswell.
As you can see on this gaming CPU hierarchy chart, you've only moved up one tier; not enough to notice much difference as for the processor.,3106-5.html

I doubt you'll get 4GHZ from the processor, even with the unlocked multiplier. But whatever you get will help some. But the real problem with gaming frame rate is the GTX 460. It will still be the weak link. So I'm going to say... whatever fps you are getting now plus maybe 10%... until you change the GPU.