[SOLVED] Eternal Question: Upgrade CPU or GPU?


Oct 4, 2013
Hello, folks.

I'm looking to upgrade my gaming PC and not sure where to start. Here's what I've got:

MOBO: ASROCK970 Extreme4 AM3+ 970R
CPU: AMD 6-core FX-6300 3.5G oc'd to 4.2G
XFX ATX550 power supply

I like mostly FPS games and would like to be able to run Doom Eternal when it comes out in March with decent quality. My monitor is our 42" 720p TV that I haul in from our living room, so I'm not doing any crazy 4k stuff. With my current setup, I can run the 2016 Doom reboot on highest quality at a solid 60 FPS with no problems.

Any thoughts on where it would be smartest to put $100-$200? I have the feeling that my mobo and power supply limit my options, but maybe not.

That's what I was thinking, maybe a Ryzen 5 2600 on an ASRock B450M PRO4.

Thoughts on that?

And do you think my GPU will be powerful enough for a bit?
I would skip the 2600 and go for a 3600, much stronger gaming CPU, unless you can get a good deal on a 2600.
That would be nice, but far exceeds my budget if I'm also looking at having to replace MOBO and RAM 😛 I'm seeing that even the R5 1600 would be a pretty serious improvement on my FX-series, and would leave room in my budget to upgrade the MOBO and RAM. Plus, I'd have the AM4 socket so I could upgrade again in the future if I like. Thoughts on that?
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