Ethernet cable vs wifi

Mar 21, 2018
I live in the uk and am using sky fibre unlimited (36Mbps), I usually have around 1-3Mbps download speed, will the connection and d/s be better after I connect the ethernet cable from my router to the computer?
Immensely. Hardwired network will ALWAYS be better than wireless. Too many factors to account for when relying on wireless connections, but with a direct connection to your router with the cable you will be in much better shape.
Immensely. Hardwired network will ALWAYS be better than wireless. Too many factors to account for when relying on wireless connections, but with a direct connection to your router with the cable you will be in much better shape.
36 Mbps contract...which actually means up to 36 Mbps.
3 Mbps real download? Mega bit per second or mega byte per second?
You should get the download speed up to around 4.5 MB/s (byte not bit)
3 MB/s is not that bad for 36 Mbps. you still get about 65-70% of the full speed. I have seen worse!
If you really get 3 mbps (bit not byte)...your download sucks big time! I would look for other provider!

But yes, you should make the download faster by using cable instead of WLAN.

sky fibre unlimited (36Mbps), is really fibre ? I use old cable with 60 Mbps and I move to new fibre to go 250 Mbps (~31MB/s).
If you meant 36 MB/s then there might be few factors WHY its not running that fast.
1. router running at G speed.
2. a lot other networks around
3. long distance to router.
4, metal objects between you and router etc....
cable will always run at ~120 MB/s you need to try hard to break it( like 20m long cable next to strong power cable.. ETC).

it's definitely mega bytes lol! But I need to get those lucky days to even get 3 MB/s.


yeah I have the pleasure of having my router downstairs so I know because of that my wifi isnt as efficient :s
and it is apparently a fibre, at least thats what says in the contract etc. Thank you for the help!

Thank you everyone, I will definitely buy the cable, have you got any recommendations regarding one? i'd probably need around a 10m cable to go from downstairs up to my room (unfortunately i cant change where the router is placed)

any recommendations?
Networking at home, especially for houses, old houses can be tricky.
Yes, you can pull cables all over the house of course but this is also not very practicable.
The best way is to use all available technology and mix them all.
Mix normal networking via cable, PowerLAN and WLAN!