Ethernet "No internet" despite the adaptor being disabled


Feb 17, 2013
Win 10 64bit

Not sure when it happened. I normally use WiFi. I once used, only Ethernet when it was possible. But I haven't in a long time.


I noticed awhile ago that in the connection tab(?) it shows the status of an Ethernet connection as "No Internet" Despite no cord being plugged in and I have even disabled the adapter. It's odd, kinda annoying and I want to remove it. It never used to be there :)

Would have searched Google, but I didn't know how to phrase it so I didn't get actual internet connectivity issues since Ethernet and WiFi work fine.

Any help remove this odd, unneeded info from my PC would be great.

*Pic of what I mean:

If it is permanent. Then why is it a recent-ish occurrence. Was it added as a part of one of the Win 10 updates?

Also I never said it affected me, it's just annoying. There's no Ethernet network or internet connection, so why constantly update a status for something non-existent.
correct me if i'm wrong, but this thing only shows up when you go into the settings, right?
so, leave it.
it might be occurring recently due to something with windows 10, it is very well known that this os comes with a lot of quirks, and this may be one of them.