I recently came home from a week of spending Christmas with my family to find that my desktop ethernet wasn't working. In the troubleshooting, it says "'Ethernet' doesn't have a valid Ip configuration". I know it's not my router since other devices can hook up to it and access the Internet perfectly fine. Also, my router (linksys ea8500) can detect my computer by device name but the computer side says the network is unidentified. I've also tried directly connecting the ethernet to my modem with no success. I've uninstalled and reinstalled my drivers. Used the Windows 10 "Reset this PC" feature. I then bought a USB ethernet hookup figuring it was a hardware problem but the USB has the exact same issue. I've tried the netsh and ip reset / renew command line commands which I had to edit my registry to run successfully but still no luck. I've disabled the firewall and used tools like complete Internet repair and minitoolbox but neither have solved the original problem. I'm about at my wit's end here, if anyone could give me some more suggestions I'd appreciate it.