ethernet port problem


Aug 5, 2017
Hi Guys,

i have an issue that i couldnt find any solution for it yet and that is about ethernet port.
all of a sudden it stopped working, and now i dont have any blinking or anything, tried to check of my cable is working or not but its working checked with another PC beside that but there is no connection with my PC. any solution please?
I couldn't quite follow that...

1) Swap the Ethernet cable to another computer or device and use the ethernet cable it had. If that gives the same result it's not the ethernet cable.

2) Swap the Ethernet PORT on the router around to one that WORKS with another device. If that makes no difference then it's the computer thus:
a) software issue, or
b) hardware issue (ethernet card or onboard network chip)

3) On PC you can right-click the network icon (if Windows) and run the Troubleshooter. That may give you an idea.

4) Can create an Ubuntu USB stick and boot to it (change BIOS/UEFI boot order to boot USB stick). If network still is not then we've now confirmed it's a HARDWARE issue with the card or motherboard; conversely if it DOES...
I couldn't quite follow that...

1) Swap the Ethernet cable to another computer or device and use the ethernet cable it had. If that gives the same result it's not the ethernet cable.

2) Swap the Ethernet PORT on the router around to one that WORKS with another device. If that makes no difference then it's the computer thus:
a) software issue, or
b) hardware issue (ethernet card or onboard network chip)

3) On PC you can right-click the network icon (if Windows) and run the Troubleshooter. That may give you an idea.

4) Can create an Ubuntu USB stick and boot to it (change BIOS/UEFI boot order to boot USB stick). If network still is not then we've now confirmed it's a HARDWARE issue with the card or motherboard; conversely if it DOES work in Linux then it's a software issue in Windows. (I'm assuming you did STEPS 1 and 2).

At this point you should likely buy a Network card, or go with wi-fi (wireless).