LOLS did they seriously just use the failed scheme of “trickle down economics” to justify this failed money grab?? For tech to be successful isn’t some equity bologna; it’s a nationalized singular entity. Otherwise costs become so great you can’t compete with other countries that have already beaten them to production, especially after western countries have already bulked up those third world countries through out sourcing. You’re literally just wasting money otherwise while lining a few ceos pockets.
It's freakin insane ... Von der Luben was practically screaming at the delegates that we must throw billions into AI, ELSE!!!!!!
The whole project eu is only of interest to the Brussels bureaucrats. Not a single EU citizen thinks this is a good idea. So much for democracy ...... They even lay out pretty clearly in the original plans of the intention to make usa 2.0
Its wild how this derp is allowed perpetually, Corona , climate , what have you, the only important think is that we pay up , and don't whine about our plastic straws and trash segregation while the executive level of society is using private planes anytime their ass needs to be moved. It has gotten beyond insanity.
What about Serbia , turkey? EU media is completely silent about the protests going on , on extreme scale. They actually succeeded with convincing half the population that we can't "deal with reality" and we need the filter of our "democratic" leaders deploying a strategy that the less informed the "democracy" the better. You are not able to decide or think for yourself, you silly populus, no , we need the modern populism edition of a politician to decide everything on our behalf - best that we don't even know that anything was decided. It could risk stirring the pot and we DONT want to stir the pot.
The world is falling apart and modern capitalism has managed to play itself into a corner of obsoletion. The justification of existence for capitalism is very low when EVERY single product is price gauged, and nobody cares to change brands/supplier upon insane experiences because we have gotten so used to the abuse and expect the next company to be just as scummy. These same morons will cry wolf the day the world decides to put it's foot down and end the abuse. That's what you get for allowing blatant takeover of oligarchi in the entire west.
And then we have the dollar system and the systematic depth being "paid off" by inflating every single dollar on the globe. Don't mind the fact it is not even feasible to ever pay this depth the us has accumulated. The fact we don't even talk about the blatant money abuse of the USA since Nixon .... Sometimes you think maybe Von der Luben is right that we are simply to stupid to decide anything for ourselves.