Event 100 and Event 200 Stuck at Welcome


Aug 18, 2010
Just installed Windows 7 fresh on a new intel 320m 160gb. After i type in my password at the login screen windows hangs for about 15 - 20 seconds on welcome with the moving circle. Total boot time is about 40 - 50 seconds. I've checked the event log and an event 100 and event 200 show up at every boot and shut down but it does not tell me what process is causing this. I've tried a clean re install of windows 7 with a non sp1 and an sp1 disk and get the same results. I used windows boot or starup repair and it said something about an audio device? So i unplugged my Asus xonar but im still getting the same hang time on welcome. I've unplugged half my ram in hopes it would help but it did nothing.

So far nothing is plugged in the computer except for mouse keyboard monitor and ethernet cable. I'm on a home network with one computer.

The setup is gigabyte z68x ud3h b3
G skill 16gb ram or now 8
corsair 800ax psu
i7 2600k

Please help me out, I've installed plenty of windows 7 on many intel ssd's (mainly x25 m) and this is the first time ive seen this slow of a boot time and its especially odd that it gets hung up on the welcome screen. I've tried searching fora fix and people have had the same problem but there seems to still be no fix