Every key on keyboard opening calculator???? help please


Jan 20, 2016

every letter key on my board opens calculator. Every other key is unrecognized. None of my keys are stuck down. I am using a Happy pro 2 keyboard. I tried using another keyboard and it still does the same thing, so it is not the board itself. Any help would be appreciated, this is an extremely frustrating problem that I cannot seem to fix.

I have ESET NOD32 with it i deleted all the malware files. But i believe the malware messed with my registries or something. The Keyboard HID driver would not function properly. Thus if i removed the driver my keyboard did nothing, but when i reinstalled the HID drive, the calculator app was the only thing that opened on key press.


Hey Plooom, sorry about the situation, sounds very frustrating indeed. Have you tried to uninstall your keyboard drivers, then restarting the computer? If not, I would suggest trying this first. Not sure what your problem is, but hopefully I can help you to determine the solution :)
could be malware/virus, could be borked drivers.

i'd run a malware and virus scan, set keyboard and language settings there to default. if this was a recent issue only.. you could reroll to a restore point then do the scans.

it would still be good to verify the boards work with another pc, but since both do not work i'm thinking the issue is most definitely your pc.
I have the same issue, updated my AntiVirus, restarted my computer, now every letter opens Calculator. Every other key works, like FN keys and Shift, Control keys.. Horizontal # keys dont work.. I dont understand.

Have you actually done a virus/malware scan? To me, this sounds like a piece of malware has made its way onto your system.

What antivirus or anti malware program are you using?

I have ESET NOD32 with it i deleted all the malware files. But i believe the malware messed with my registries or something. The Keyboard HID driver would not function properly. Thus if i removed the driver my keyboard did nothing, but when i reinstalled the HID drive, the calculator app was the only thing that opened on key press.

I actually ended up fixing the issue. With Nod32 i took a SysInspection Log while everything was messed up.. THEN I System restored to before the crazy stuff happened (a few days before when i was doing updates) and everything started working fine again! So i took another SysInspectionLog and within NOD32 compared both of them. Registries had been messed with, There was a file called AUTOKMS.exe that caused issues somehow, and some other stuff with the drivers kbhdhid or whatever theyre called (keyboard.ini?)..

Right now all i can say is do a quick system restore before everything started happening and you should be all set :)!