Every time I plug in my laptop charger, the external monitor turns wavy?

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May 1, 2013

I hope you could propose solutions for this issue. I recently bought an ASUS Ve247H external LED monitor. It is plugged into my Toshiba L500 laptop all the time through a VGA cable. The problem is that since my laptop battery is dead, I have my laptop connected to AC power all the time. This causes the external monitor to be wavy. When I unplug the charger, the screen works perfectly. I tried changing where I plug the laptop, tried every power outlet I have, the problem did not go away. I was wondering if you could suggest solutions to this. It has become annoying. Thank you very much.

I ordered an HDMI cable, will arrive in two weeks. Don't know if this solves the problem. any thoughts?
Is the VGA port close to the power connector on the laptop? It seems unlikely that a computer company would be this careless, but if they are close, its possible the power is making interference inside of the computer, distorting the image.

It could also be if your laptop switches to power saver mode while the power is plugged in. Power saver mode can cut the clock speed on parts down low.

A third idea is your laptop can't handle two displays, or at least not two displays at the resolution you are using. This is unlikely, but possible. Try turning the laptop screen off and just using the LED.

1. no. they are on opposite sides
2. Powersaver mode is disabled
3. same problem even when laptop screen is off. already tried that. Plus there is no problem when the two displays are on while they laptop charger is unplugged.

I hope his solves the problem. Will have to wait for the cable to be delivered.

Yes they are. I tried every outlet with same problem unsolved.

Sounds like the chances are it is either that there is some sort of interference some where in the system. The only other thing besides that which makes sense to me is a software issue, but if you have the newest drivers and have the resolution and such set properly it shouldn't be software issue. What model laptop do you have? Maybe its a known defect.
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