every time i run a graphic intensive game like witcher 3 my computer restarts


Jun 15, 2015
every time i run a graphic intensive game like witcher 3 my computer restarts. i suspect something went wrong with overclocking.

my specs are TR2 500w thermal take
gigabyte geforce gtx 960
alpine 11 rev2 arctic cooling.
ask if you want other specs
Update: i also see horizontal flickering lights
I would put my money on the power supply.

Being a dual rail design each rail is only rated to handle 216 and 204 watts respectively. The 960 really only needs about 130 watts or so during normal gaming scenarios, but a good chunk of that (about 75 watts) will be supplied by the PCI Express slot through your motherboard... along with whatever power the rest of the machine is using, like your processor. It's likely that too much power is being used from your primary rail causing the PSU to shut down for having that rail overloaded.

he only fix for that would be to replace the PSU with one that is better suited for the load you are using, or find a way to reduce your power usage on that rail (slow your machine down, essentially).

My money is on overheat here :)

I would say try turning down the graphics settings and make sure you're not running anything intensive back in the OS. - problem is that will likely alleviate both problems so wont get you any closer to seeing what's causing it...

Use http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner and http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html to monitor your temperatures.
Both enable logging of results, however I have never needed to use them. It would require a bit of research on your part

Then, run the game, when it crashes reboot your machine and open the log files. If it's getting too hot, problem identified. Otherwise Traciatim is going to be correct, and your need a meatier PSU.

Good luck