Question Every video software program I use freezes and crashes PC. Only able to restart from case power button

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pc dopey

Mar 7, 2021
Hey folks, once again I feel like I'm doing something stupid, but can't figure it out. I'm running a home built PC. M5A97 2.0 Mobo, AMD FX8350 processor, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 650 Watt power supply. 32gb ram, my Webcam is a basic Logitech C920 HD . Can't think of anything else that would be contributory here. For a time I was using OBS to record my webcam whilst I played my bass and then posted said videos to YouTube. At that time I was running a 750 ti graphix card. There seemed to be a lag I just couldn't be rid of. Switched out the GPU for the 2080 and hoped for a better result. NOPE! Same crappy lag. Tried every open source video software I could find and to no avail. Then all of a sudden, OBS started flickering and stuttering and crashing my PC to where it froze solid and had to restart from case power button. Now EVERY video software gives me the same result. Freeze crash and need to restart.

H E L P !!!!
Update you post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

PSU: make, model, wattage (650 watts noted), age, condition (original to build, new, refurbished, used)?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

What specific open source video software programs have you tried? Source(s)?

Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer for any error codes, warnings, or even informational events that occur just before or at the time of the software crashes and freezes.

My thought is that the PSU is not always able to keep up with peaks and spikes related to power demands.
My PSU is a Randmax Cobra 650, my main hard drive is a Samsung EVO650 2tb, I have an older WD 1 tb as a slave and an external 2tb that is only connected when needed. The entire system is about 8 yrs old. The processor and the mobo was replaced a yr ago with the same components. I'm told by a few different folks that this is a processor issue. Apparently AMD has a different way of video processing. I'm looking into a new PC case, MOBO and Ram. Running 32gb of DDR3 ram also isn't helping my situation. Oh yeah also can't upgrade to 11 due to current processor. So yeah platform is prob where my issues start.
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