Everything You Need To Know About AMD's Raven Ridge

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So, for those of us who don't have an older AM4 processor, how are we supposed to put together a system? The motherboards don't work OOB with the new processors and require a BIOS update.
Buy one already updated, if you already bought one contact the company. They do updates for you in some cases and worst case AMD will send you a boot kit which is an older cpu and heatsink to update your bios with and then you just send the cpu back when done.

Everything You Need To Know About AMD's Raven Ridge: It's the gosh dang flipping shiz, and the kind of balanced all-in-one that Intel would give their left nut to have (and our currently doing just that, having dumped truckloads of $ to steal Raja Koduri from AMD, and continuing to dump truckloads at his efforts to make it happen).
One approach would be to do your build using one of these new Raven R chips (or a low end AMD CPU like an R 1300X), with the intention of upgrading to a better CPU and/or dedicated graphics later when they become available. I'm doing something similar with my AM4 build using a high end MB and a low end processor. Crypto has put a crimp in conventional build approaches.
One approach would be to do your build using one of these new Raven R chips (or a low end AMD CPU like an R 1300X), with the intention of upgrading to a better CPU and/or dedicated graphics later when they become available. I'm doing something similar with my AM4 build using a high end MB and a low end processor. Crypto has put a crimp in conventional build approaches.

It was 2 articles down on toms, AMD will send you a boot kit, which you'll have to send back: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-raven-ridge-boot-kit,36552.html

But, you could also buy your motherboard from a local store like Microcenter, boxes with updated bios's will have stickers on them which tell you it's ready for Raven Ridge. Microcenters prices are generally close to the internet.

There's a micro center reasonably close to me, but I think I'll wait a few months. Prices will come down and I won't have to deal with a BIOS upgrade.
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