Everytime I copy and paste it creates a crash dump file


Aug 17, 2018

I've been having his problem with my computer that everytime I try and copy and paste something, 70% of the time it ends up being this


I didn't think much of it for awhile, and I finally got annoyed with it that I went to the file location. I had over 47,000 files named this each being around 100kb and it looks like this file is being created every few seconds. So I'm guessing that whenever the file is created, it replaces what I have copied. Does anyone know why this file is being created every 10 seconds? It's actually terrible. Just deleted 5GB worth of these.

Any help will be appreciated.
i turned off fast startup..still goes to a dump file location..unreal! brand new pc..fresh install win 10..i just spent close to 1k and i got this crap going on..win 7 no issues with my 7 year old 2500k..what a joke i have asus z390 hero xi and a 9700k. and this:C:\Users\Jeff\AppData\Local\Temp\PRODUCT_NAME_UNKNOWN_CrashDumpPRODUCT_VERSION_MAJOR_UNKNOWN-PRODUCT_VERSION_MINOR_UNKNOWN-2018-11-21--19-41-09_.dmp

it is caused by your sound drivers, look at the toms link I gave in my reply. Turning off fast startup can sometimes fix it, but the problem can come back after a few days. If I could tell you who to blame I would but currently unsure who has to fix it.


thanks for the reply..it was something called nahemic or some shit like that...i disabled that and it hasnt done it since..very frustrating,as it kept writing to my temp folder. i literally sat there and watched it continue to write the dmp file over and over.
This is happening to me but, I dont see to have this nahimic on my system. I have the new z390 Maximus XI Code and i9900k. Fast boot is off and this problem seems to be intermittent. I also have the issue where I can't change default apps when I'm selecting certain apps to open xml files or anything or file type infact.
Do you have a Asus or MSI motherboard? This is caused by Nahimic drivers that they both use in their sound drivers for Headsets

see http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-3786929/error-message-copying-pasting.html

Only current solution is to turn off Fast Startup - https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/4189-turn-off-fast-startup-windows-10-a.html - until the drivers are updated to work with Win 10.
I have the same problem but on an Alienware 17, but i think this helped.