evga 1070 ftw vs inno3d 1080 twin 2x


Apr 5, 2017
which one is better ? because on amazon italy the 1080 is the same price as the 1070 but i never heard of the brand and i dont know.. would appreciate an advice

The mem clock of a 1080 is at least 10ghz. Its just like ram. Lets say you bought a stick of 1600mhz ddr3. Your pc will see it as a 800mhz stick. However ddr stands for double data rate so you...

Yeah but it's just strange.. it's the same price as the evga 1070 ftw but there are more versions of it being higher.. check this https://www.amazon.it/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Dcomputers&field-keywords=inno3d+1080

That is indeed oddly low. usually they are cheaper because they are lesser know but their cards aren't bad. The ftw series is also at a higher price point compared to the other 1070's due to it being specially selected 1070's (the ones that can clock higher). As long as it isn't a fake (don't worry amazon covers you on this if it does happen but this seems legit) or a used card go for the 1080.

Yeah but from what i've seen the memory clock of the evga 1070 is like 8000 mhz whilst inno3d is 1250 mhz.. inno3d 1080 has 2560 cuda cores whilst evga has 1950,http://www.evga.com/articles/01017/evga-geforce-gtx-1070/ http://graphics-cards.specout.com/l/6419/Inno3D-GeForce-GTX-1080-TWIN-X2 the boost clocks are the same if not evga is superior.. so i dont know, if you could help those statistics and help me out with them..

The mem clock of a 1080 is at least 10ghz. Its just like ram. Lets say you bought a stick of 1600mhz ddr3. Your pc will see it as a 800mhz stick. However ddr stands for double data rate so you have to multiply it by 2 to get the actaull speed. I think its *8 for gddr5 (not sure). Also even if you push the evga to the limit it still won't beat a stock 1080 unless you get some insane oc (not possible on air). Just get the 1080 its the better card.

Most definitely get a 1080 (no matter which brand) if it's the same price as a 1070.