EVGA 1080ti FE with ek waterblock or 1080ti EVGA FTW3 with ek waterblock?

the title says it all ..which one do I get.. I LIKE THE DUAL BIOS OF THE FTW3, but, I believe it will not help me beings its a pascal card...I cant shake this feeling that the FTW3 MAY give me alittle more overclocking head room., I hear it has a 130% power target which I also believe COULD help with keeping stable high overclocks.... .... FE =$699 FTW3=$779....I will put an EK waterblock on either of these models....I keep hoping that the FTW3 will be better in the long run because EVGA forum may pout out another BIOS later in the cards life that I can flash to the secondary BIOS..... IS THIS A PIPE DREAM WITH PASCAL CARDS? if so, I will pull the trigger on the FE Card and complete my new custom water loop... please see rig in signature section for specs...

that's the way I am leaning HARD... i don't why tho... I do realize pascal is held back by nvidea voltage limits but i feel like i will get a better card outta the FTW3. i have two 780ti classifieds in SLI at the moment. I miss the overvolting days of older cards!!!!
Personally, I like the simplicity of a closed loop system.

EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 HYBRID GAMING, 11G-P4-6598-KR


nah man... going with custom loop. thanks anyway... 2x 360mm rads, d5 pump, 6 red LED high static fans,150mm res and red tubing, ROG vcolors.... its gonna be sweet!!!!. i will be close to ambient and can be put in new build when 4790k no longer suits my needs

going with evga 1080ti ftw3 and 4790k @4.7ghz. water cool mobo, gpu, and cpu.... just couldn't decide on FE or FTW3. i already killed the idea of SLI as i am gaming on PG278Q 1440p 144mhz stil.... i will save that money for new cpu,mobo, and ram when new HEDT or better enthusiastists cpus are released later this year (kabby lake x or skylake x, Basin falls platform) cpus are released and possibly go 4k with SLi(we shall see)...for now 1080ti ftw3(water cooled and 4790k overclocked and water cooled will do for the next year or so at 1440P...so you see my upgrade path and why i choose custom water loop will mainly be for silent gaming and possible SLI on HEDT overclocked build in the future