NEWB question but I'm sure someone can give me a pretty straight forward answer.
Should I go with the EVGA 660 supeclocked GDDR5 2 GB card or 2 Zotac 550ti 1 GB cards GDDR5 attached via SLI, I'm trying to get the best performance in all honesty but I have this giant pile of video cards lying around and I don't really know whats the best. Is SLI always going to better than 1 card alone typically? More power consumption? Will it hold up ultra graphics on a 1920 by 1080 resolution?
Thanks community
Should I go with the EVGA 660 supeclocked GDDR5 2 GB card or 2 Zotac 550ti 1 GB cards GDDR5 attached via SLI, I'm trying to get the best performance in all honesty but I have this giant pile of video cards lying around and I don't really know whats the best. Is SLI always going to better than 1 card alone typically? More power consumption? Will it hold up ultra graphics on a 1920 by 1080 resolution?
Thanks community