my porblem is i hjave low fps woith games like wow and heroes of the storm
in wow
in capitals i have like 50 fps or 40, in open areas 90 or 80
the problem is i sued to have like 70 fps in all places or 80 even in raids 25 man
now barely 40
in heroes is worse
like 30 or 1
my rig:
i7 2600 no oc
asus rog extreme 5 1155
hyper x 2x4 1600
evga 660ti no oc
cm 650w bronze 80 plus
games like bf4 play good
like 90 or 70 fps with no fpos drops
my porblem is i hjave low fps woith games like wow and heroes of the storm
in wow
in capitals i have like 50 fps or 40, in open areas 90 or 80
the problem is i sued to have like 70 fps in all places or 80 even in raids 25 man
now barely 40
in heroes is worse
like 30 or 1
my rig:
i7 2600 no oc
asus rog extreme 5 1155
hyper x 2x4 1600
evga 660ti no oc
cm 650w bronze 80 plus
games like bf4 play good
like 90 or 70 fps with no fpos drops