EVGA 750ti SC vs. Fallout 4

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Sep 28, 2015
With the release of Fallout 4's PC requirements, I'm starting to doubt my decision to build the PC that I built. My system runs an EVGA 750ti SC, AMD 8350 (OC to 4.4), and sports 16 gigs of ram. While I can play games like Skyrim and Tomb Raider absolutely maxed-out with flawless frame rates, I can only play the Battlefront 3 beta at medium settings.

My question is: What sort of performance should I expect when playing Fallout 4? This is easily my most anticipated title of the year. As such, I would like to be able to play it at a reasonable graphics setting at 60 FPS.

Thanks ahead.
I ran FO4 on medium settings with a 750 ti at about 50-60 fps with AMD FX 4130 3.8ghz. I was happy with that considering how gpu demanding the game is. Id think you should be able to play some down tweeked high settings with a 4.4 clock.
You can't play Tomb Raider at 1080p "maxed-out" with just a 750Ti, unless you don't consider running the 4xSSAA option part of maxing it out :|

Anyways, I don't think you shouldn't worry too much about the performance you'll get being playable or not, it'll most definitely be playable if you go by their previous games' spec requirements. They quote a 550Ti as being the minimum, and that card's quite a bit slower than the 750Ti. so surely you can expect better-than-console level performance, meaning higher than ~30FPS.
I ran FO4 on medium settings with a 750 ti at about 50-60 fps with AMD FX 4130 3.8ghz. I was happy with that considering how gpu demanding the game is. Id think you should be able to play some down tweeked high settings with a 4.4 clock.
If I had to guess, I'd say that you could probably run Fallout 4 1080p @ 25-30 FPS (medium-high settings) with GodRays turned off.

If I was in your situation, I'd:

Buy a EVGA GTX 970 b-stock (factory recertified) for ~$239 when they come back in stock; hopefully within the next 5 days.
Buy a Hyper 212 EVO CPU cooler to help you push high overclocks on new CPU.
Buy a Intel i7 CPU (i7-5820, i7-6700, or i7-4790). Price for CPU, motherboard and RAM is dependent on whether you live near a local Micro Center. They sell CPU's for slightly below cost and then they knock another $20 or $30 off the motherboard if you buy them together. As for memory, if you get a the i7-4790k, you can continue to use your DDR3 memory. I "think" you can use either DDR3 or DDR4 with the skylake i7-6700k but don't quote me on that. Please verify that independently. The i7-5820 (which I own) uses DDR4, but it's great to have a 6-core CPU for content creation, in addition to gaming.

Sell the GTX 750 Ti to help subsidize the new GPU purchase.
Sell the MB + AMD CPU to help subsidize the new MB + CPU purchase.
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