
Feb 1, 2011
my friend has just bought a new videocard for his system. he got an evga 9500gt. will this play games at an ok level? he was wanting to play some first person shooters with me online and some real time strategy, how will this do? thanks

No, no and no. He's playing on a HD-TV is looks like?

Need to go up a few notches in video card, 9500GT won't do. What about the rest of the system specs? 2gig of RAM with a 2.4 or higher dual core CPU will probably be needed.

I actually read that he had a 9500gt, not that he just bought one.. Bit of a waste of money there, need to post here first asking which card to get BEFORE buying :)

I'm sure BestBuy and Staples have these cards for $60, next to cards they sell for $100 that actually should be $60 :ouch:
It could do ok at 720p on low or med-low with some FPS games but not sure about starcraft. You can forget about playing modern games at 1080p with that card though. I say he takes that card back and gets something better like a Radeon 6850 or GTX 460. The lowest he should go is a 5770.


Apr 5, 2011
As someone who owns an EVGA 9500 GT, lemme tell ya. It plays Crysis. Okay. It plays SC2. Well. It plays Bulletstorm (okay, okay, the demo), and CoD 2, 4, 5, and 6. Haven't put Black Ops on there yet. I have 4 gigs of RAM, DDR2, 667 mhz, a 2.93 Core 2 Duo, and some kickass fans. I can play all the games I really want to, at an okay graphics level. All you elitists with Core i7s, and the latest hardware which costs more than my entire computer did, for a single chip, I respect you, but it's not that shabby of a card.

Now that I'm done with that... Get a different card if you can. They weren't wrong that it isn't worth the money. I did a "custom" build on CyberpowerPC, but if you're building it yourself, get a higher card. 5770 is better. But yes, you can play those games on this card with a good CPU and some RAM.


Apr 8, 2010
i have 2 machines with this card. pentium 4 older desktops with 4 gb ram ddr2. don't know about newer games, but diablo2 and starcraft play great on them. my power supply is only 350 watt, so i needed a lower power card. for the money, i think they work great. they are not some super card or anythything, but have their uses. i wanted diablo2 without stutters and dual monitors. they work fine. and quiet too. if i could do it over, now that i know more about computers, i'd upgrade the power supply and get a better card. but i don't need to yet.