I guess cause the fans don't start up until 65c ?? the card is all ready hot before the fans have a chance to start cooling ??
like I said above ''ya I don't really get these fan profiles on all these 900 cards like with the don't spin up until like 65c ?? ''
and you see why water blocks were hard to find as were the hybrid cadrs at first and at forums beloved patriot at evga guys get these air cooled cards and all they talk about is adding water or ln2 ?? all but the 970 [??] hmmmm....
'''answer then I'll just lower the fan kick in temp'' that sounds like your best bet to start and quite a few find this to work out maybe mod the case air flow ?/ run with the side cover open or off ??
if you registered your card with evga as you should put a thread on there forum to see whats said from there gurus ?
and remember
Furthermore, as we mentioned in our GTX 980 review, GTX 970 has been a pure virtual (no reference card) launch, which means all of NVIDIA’s partners are launching their custom cards right out of the gate. A lot of these have been recycled or otherwise only slightly modified GTX 700/600 series designs, owing to the fact that GM204’s memory bus has been held at 256-bits and its power requirements are so low.
any way what about that evga rep here at toms ?? nothing from him on this ??