Evga Announces Liquid-cooled GTX 780 HydroCopper

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Do you have a good insurance company? Because if you have State Farm, I don't think they will be a good neighbor when your computer hits 200C!:pfff:
I can't even imagine the price tag. You know its going to be of $900+
But, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to replace my WC'd 680 with one.
Going from a 3Gb 580 to one of these should be a huge boost in fps at 2560 x 1600 res.
I'd prefer a transparent block so that we could at least see the coolant. The sticker makes it look cheap, too.
"...no word on pricing or availability." As in it will cost way more than it would if you made a custom liquid cooler for a stock GTX 780 yourself and it will be made in limited numbers which means it will be sold out almost as soon as they ship them and the only way to get one is on ebay for a huge mark up just like the Titan.

I've been lamenting that for a long time now. If they made a water cooled 780 with fewer ports but a single slot, I would buy it in an instant.
It's $800 USD guys, about the same price as the 680 Hydro and 580 Hydro. It's also factory overclocked. EVGA Hydros are really REALLY nice cards. I have 2 x GTX 580 Hydro's and I'm seriously considering swapping them out for 2x GTX 780's. Maybe use a 900D case cause I want to put in another radiator.

I agree with you. I think they need to release WC cards with single slot by eliminating the need for HDMI and thus placing a DL-DVI port next to the DP. I returned my eVGA GTX 780 stock edition for the Hydro Copper which should be here soon. I did the math of buying my own block with fittings and it came to the same price. So I just opted for their pre-made WC card. I can't wait.

It wouldn't even need to go that far - I'm staring at my 670 right now, and it has a full size DP, hdmi, and DL-DVI all in a row; the other side is used for cooling and another DL-DVI. (For a single card, you'd need the room of the HDMI to have cooling ports, but since we're talking about a watercooled card...)

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