EVGA CLC 280 RGB CPU Cooler Review

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General Closed Looped Cooler questions:
1) Why are the cooling plates round when CPUs are square?
2) Do the cooling plates cover the entire entire CPU, even the larger ones like Threadripper and X299 CPUs?
Looks like the EVGA's results at 50 % fans are about the same as the other coolers at 100 % fans (in a cooling sense) but with greatly reduced noise.

1.) I believe the one you're looking at is machined from roundstock using a lathe
2.) It completely covers Intel's desktop CPUs (even LGA 2066), but does not completely cover Threadripper CPUs.
The stuff coming out of Asetek is getting slimmer by the bucket loads. It's good to see that there are more offerings by other company's though if you follow through the way case manufacturing(in one common factory) has risen and a number of them have the same internal design+structure, then air cooling is a better route to go when aesthetics is brushed aside.
I've had bad luck with EVGA Video Cards (had several die after a few months of standard use -- my NVIDIA GeForce replacement has been working fine for over 2 years, now), so I'm dubious as to the quality of anything coming out of EVGA!

Have had an EVGA GTX 660 3GB running fine for almost 5 years now, EVGA GTX 1060 3GB for over a year, EVGA 1300W PSU for 3 years, EVGA 1000W PSU for 2 years, EVGA 750W PSU for 18 months.

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