EVGA Geforce gtx 670 in-game crash (display driver?).


Jan 10, 2013

I have recently purchased a EVGA Geforce gtx 670 graphics card and I've got a really serious problem with it.

After updating the driver, I tried playing some games, and on most of them, get the same result:

As soon as I get in-game, multicolored lights start flashing randomly on the screen like it's a disco party for about 5 seconds before the image completely freezes on my computer, forcing me to reboot. This occurs with most of my games, but is more apparent on Saints Row The Third and DMC: Devil May Cry. When I try to boot up Metro: Last Light, I only get a black screen after the splash screen. This is driving me crazy, I don't have any problem whatsoever with any other application. It's only in my games. I tried reinstalling the graphics driver, with no sucess.

So yeah, does anyone have any idea how to fix this issue? Or at least can somebody tell me if my graphics card is faulty or not?

Many thanks!
Could be a bad card, could be a software issue, could also be the PSU cant proved enough power or is providing dirty power canc ausing the video card to crash. What make and model of power supply are you using? Did you completely remove the old video driver before you installed the new one? Do you have another system(a friends perhaps) that you can test the card in?
Could be a bad card, could be a software issue, could also be the PSU cant proved enough power or is providing dirty power canc ausing the video card to crash. What make and model of power supply are you using? Did you completely remove the old video driver before you installed the new one? Do you have another system(a friends perhaps) that you can test the card in?
Here is my whole setup if it can be of any use:

As you can see I have a 750 W power supply, so I don't think this is the problem. I'm sorry I'm kind of a noob when it comes to think like this, but how do I completely remove the drivers before installing an older version? I think this could solve my issue. Or is there any site where I can get every past drivers for my card so I can choose whichever I want?

Well its not a good 750w unit, in fact its a horrible unit. They aren't cheap to buy but, they use cheap crappy components and because of this they produce alot of dirty power(lots of ripple and noise) and when hot cant deliver their rated wattage. Dirty power can cause all sorts of issues, from stability issues and crashes to random unexpected shutdowns, abd theres a good chance they will damage other parts when they finally completely fail. According to the Guide on Neweggs eggxpert site its a tier 5 power supply and its suggested to replace it ASAP.
You can try previous drivers they are available on Nvidia's driver website http://www.geforce.com/drivers, but there is a very good chance itd dirty power from the power supply thats causing the issue, even if its not I would still highly suggest replacing that power supply.
Here is a much better power supply and its only $55 after promo code and $20 mail in rebate.
Damn, never knew there was this much difference between different PSUs. You are probably right on this, it's probably my PSU, but I would like to have 100% confirmation.

I ran some tests using my different games and have downloaded GPU-Z to keep track of my power consumption and temperature:

On Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition: Artifacts appeared when I booted the game up. Then I waited a little bit, went in-game, got a few more artifacts then it ran smoothly. The game is not really graphics demanding. The temperature of the card varied between 45 and 52 C° and the power consumption was at about 35%.

Saints Row the Third: As soon as I went in-game, the "disco party" artifacts started appearing and blinking, and my display crashed about 20 seconds in. The temperature of the GPU got up to 67 C° before crashing. The power consumption was also extremely high, it went up to 98.6% TDP then the display crashed.

I have also downloaded many versions of the driver, and get the same result with every one of them.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but basically, my graphics card overheats really easily which causes it to crash the display because my PSU can't supply enough power when playing graphics demanding game?

Thanks a lot for the help!

Do you have access to another system(a friends perhaps) to test the card in? 67°c isn't bad the card's max temp before it throttles is 97°C. I have seen cards hit their max temp and throttle the clock speeds down and it didnt crash or cause artifacts like you are seeing. To be 100% sure you'd need to test this card in another system(with an adequate PSU) or test another card in this system(prefferable one that use around the same amount of power), or test with a known good power supply that can power the card.
I really don't want to risk trying to remove my card and test it in a friend's computer, as I am not very knowledgeable on computer building in general and had bad experiences. So the temperature isn't the problem at all right. What worried me the most is the 98.6% of TDP power consumption (whatever that means). The game seemed to perform worse and worse the more this number raised until the display finally crashed at 98.6%.

Any ideas on this?

Oh also, I forgot to mention if this can be of any help: I played Metro Last Light for about an hour flawlessly on the highest settings without any problems when I first got my GPU installed.

Anyways, thanks a ton for the tips, I will probably be buying that power supply you linked me to since you so strongly recommended me to change my PSU because the one that I have could damage my components.
After uninstalling and reinstalling many different versions of the drivers using driversweeper and safe mode, I have concluded that the driver is not the problem.
Either it's my graphics card that is faulty or my PSU doesn't provide enough power.
So isn't there really any way of knowing which one is the cause other than trying my GPU in another computer or trying another PSU?

None that i have found.