EVGA Geforce GTX 970 SC 4GB vs EVGA Geforce GTX SSC 4GB?

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Jan 20, 2016
Hello, I'm having a dilema here, someone please explain me the differences, I am very limited to budget and want to at least get 200+ FPS on CSGO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
is the 970 really worth the extra money?
The SSC version is marginally better than the SC version - not significant at all.

What resolution are you playing at and at what quality setting?

As I have said, I am skeptical when people ask for 200+ FPS because if your monitor can't display for than 60 frames or 120 frames, you will not see more than 60 frames or 120 frames even though you are getting 200 FPS.

Even GTX 960 can actually get 200+ FPS in CS:GO if you want to know.
The SSC version is marginally better than the SC version - not significant at all.

What resolution are you playing at and at what quality setting?

As I have said, I am skeptical when people ask for 200+ FPS because if your monitor can't display for than 60 frames or 120 frames, you will not see more than 60 frames or 120 frames even though you are getting 200 FPS.

Even GTX 960 can actually get 200+ FPS in CS:GO if you want to know.

Even monitors with faster refresh rates are usually 144Hz. I've never seen a monitor listed at more than that. I agree though, anything higher than your monitor can display doesn't make that much sense to me.

That's not to say getting 200 FPS hurts anything but as long as your framerate is at least as high as your monitor's refresh rate I don't see the point in paying to upgrade your GPU.

I have seen a couple monitors having 240hz refresh rates but those are very expensive.
There IS really no proof, but let's stick to the question. The "how many FPS can we see" discussion can be had elsewhere. I am sure if you played your whole life on a 1,000,000 Hz monitor (I made that up) and switched to 144 hz monitor, you will see the difference, but vice versa you will not see any difference.

we did a test in class, my teacher made some kind of device where you can set the light to turn on and off, and we tested different frame rates, we started from 60 everyone saw the light, but after 90, some classmates did see the light, some didn't

All the 240Hz monitors I've seen only support a 120hz input the just repeat frames to mimic a 240Hz refresh rate, similar to what TVs with high refresh rates do, so its not a true 240hz.

Oh well, I don't care anyways. The are stupidly expensive. I would have rather gotten myself a nice IPS display instead.
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