EVGA Gtx 1060 sc


Aug 1, 2016
Got my little EVGA afew days ago and decided to try and play around with PrecisionX.

Managed to up the clock to around 2100mhz and it seems stable.. adding on another 25-30 mhz seems to start causing display driver crashes. Playing the witcher 3, temps wise i'm under 60 degrees at 70% fan speed.

The extras noise of the fan speed doesn't really bother me but could i afford to drop it a little even if it means rising temps? What is the ball park figure that i shouldn't be exceeding?

Also is running at a 2100mhz clock likely to damage the card?

Apologies, never OC'd a GPU before so just curious!
80 degrees seems to be the limit reviewers set or shoot for when oc'ing the card. if you're under 60 degrees then you're well within safe range especially for 2100 mhz. i'd say you did very well for a first time effort. you won't get much more from the card so i'd settle for that or slightly lower speed so long as it is stable.
I would try dropping it in increments of probably no more than 10% to be safe and just keep testing it in the witcher 3 until it hits over 70.

Technically overclocking does shorten the life span, but not by any amount you would fine noticeable. You'll have replaced the card many times over by then.

80 degrees seems to be the limit reviewers set or shoot for when oc'ing the card. if you're under 60 degrees then you're well within safe range especially for 2100 mhz. i'd say you did very well for a first time effort. you won't get much more from the card so i'd settle for that or slightly lower speed so long as it is stable.

Sorry to jump in and ask something not really related about the thread, but, can I have your overclock setting please? I own the exact same card here but I couldn't find a way to make it go to 2100mhz. Also, can I know what's your PC setup please? Because from what I know, 2100mhz at that temperature is considered a really good OC! Your answer will be more than helpful, thanks!