EVGA GTX 1070 poor performance on 8350


Dec 10, 2015
Hey everyone, I'm just curious about the under-performance of my GPU I bought not too long ago. I am getting around 45 frames per second in GTAV @ 1080p, and I'm experiencing many fps drops and stutters in Battlefield 1. I have bench marked my components and the tests have determined that my ram and my GPU are under-performing compared to the same models in other PC's. I've done troubleshooting with NCIX 2 times and they only suggested that I buy a new CPU.

Amd 8350
Gigabyte 970A-UDP3
16 GB HyperX Ram
120gb HyperX SSD
Seagate 1tb HDD

Here's a spreadsheet of the data i collected while playing GTAV
Well as stated above it's not the best gaming CPU. If your worried it's bottlenecking (maybe maybe not) you can check easily enough. Drop your resolution and in-gaming settings as low as they go and see what your frame rate is. If your still only getting 45fps then you DO have a bottleneck. if you getting more then something else is the issue. What every your CPU can crank out on low settings/resolution assuming your GPU is capable you CPU can crank out at any resolution/in-game settings minus CPU based physics systems of course. Let us know what you get with a 640x480 (or what ever the lowest resolution your game supports is) with low settings.
The FX8350 is a fairly weak cpu for gaming. I would expect a pretty major bottleneck when paired with a GTX1070.

Have you looked up any benchmarks to see what kind of performance you SHOULD be getting with your FX8350 + a 1070?

I hate to say it, but a lot of threads like these are usually from having unrealistic expectations.

Don't hate to say anything bud. Any answer is a good answer. I'd just like to know what is really going on. I might have to hold out for the new AMD's new RYZEN platform.
Well as stated above it's not the best gaming CPU. If your worried it's bottlenecking (maybe maybe not) you can check easily enough. Drop your resolution and in-gaming settings as low as they go and see what your frame rate is. If your still only getting 45fps then you DO have a bottleneck. if you getting more then something else is the issue. What every your CPU can crank out on low settings/resolution assuming your GPU is capable you CPU can crank out at any resolution/in-game settings minus CPU based physics systems of course. Let us know what you get with a 640x480 (or what ever the lowest resolution your game supports is) with low settings.

With only turning down the resolution, it looks like there actually is a bottleneck, Seconds into playing GTAV at 800x600, i notice that the frames are still below 60, around 50-45. Thanks for helping me troubleshoot my issues!

OK and after turning all of the graphics settings to minimum, driving through the city I get 55-65 FPS, and around 75 fps on the freeway. Not much of an improvement because everything looks like its composed of mud and potatoes.