EVGA GTX 670 died out due to low voltage on +3.3 V rail


Nov 20, 2012
Hello there,So i have a system with the following specifications:
-Intel core i7 3770K 3.5GHz
-1333 MHZ Kingston 16GB RAM
-EVGA Vanilla GTX 670 2GB(Which is no longer alive)
-Seagate 1 TB 7200 RPM HDD
-Corsair GS800 Power Supply
-Intel DH77EB Motherboard
-Cooler Master 912 Advanced Casing(no custom coolers)

i have been using the system for 9 months with a GS800 PSU but recently my GPU EVGA GTX 670 card just died out while playing a game Max Payne 3.I am not into overclocking of any kind and prefer using the stock specifications with a single GPU unit.So I recently installed intel desktop utilities and it displayed a warning "[+3.3V] out of recommended range.(2.890 V)" ..i have no idea of what +3.3V rail is and if thats the cause of my gtx 670 just died..Kindly tell is that a PSU related issue??..the remaining 12V and 5V voltages shows green status but this+3.3 is continuous in alarming status(current reading is 2.89 V) , is that the cause of my GPU failure?? what should i do??.Please guide.Thank You
Doesnt 12V rail provide the voltage for GPU units?? Please explain its soo confusing...if it really were PSU related issue them my CPU processor also would have burned but its working normal.What if the software shows the wrong reading??