EVGA GTX 770's 4GB Two-Way SLI or GTX 970's Two-Way SLI?


Feb 25, 2014
I have a GTX 770, 'EVGA GeForce GTX 770 4GB Superclocked w/ACX Cooler' to be precise, and I was thinking about picking up another one while they're cheap and still available on the market. People are selling the 4GB superclocked versions used-like new for $300-$320 which is a pretty awesome deal. However, I'm aware that the newly released 970 offers a moderate performance boost, less power consumption, and is cheaper brand new than the 770 4GB Superclocked versions.

Need some suggestions on whether or not it would be worth selling my 770 for a 970 and only having to pay $50 or so for the upgrade and in the future adding another 970 for SLI, or going the easier route by picking up another 770 right now and put it in two-way SLI with my other card?

I'm perfectly satisfied with the performance of my 770, runs all games on high/ultra around the 60 fps mark, most of the time much higher. I have a 1080p, 144 Hz monitor of which I would like to make the most out of and the two-way SLI of a 770 4GB Superclocked or 970 would most certainly do that. Is the 970 worth selling my version of the 770 and doing the 970 SLI or does the 770 hold its own against the 970?
Okay, I installed my second gtx 770 4 GB card. First off, wow, it runs a lot louder when gaming at high settings. Definitely noticed the sound increase, then again I wear a headset typically but still something worth noting.

Okay I did benchmarks for Shadow of Mordor. So I maxed out every category at 1440p resolution and ran the benchmark test the game offers. The results are below

Single Card
Average FPS - 35.62
Max FPS -46.49
Min FPS - 20.62

Average - 59.84
Max - 152.87
Min - 32.26

So just looking at the average, the increase in FPS was nearly 70%. However, I am only playing the game on slightly better settings now since I already was playing on demanding settings. So I don't really notice a difference in graphics when I am...

My opinion would be to upgrade to the 970 before the SLI, your 770 may still be awesome now, but the 20-40% preformance boost from 2 970s rather than 2 770s will be much more benefitul for heavy gaming in the future. Besides, bragging rights are always nice.
The 20-40% performance boost and the bragging rights from the 970 SLI would be very nice to have indeed! I would like to avoid as much hassle as possible though, so unistalling my 770 and its drivers, shipping it, purchasing two 970's, waiting for it to be delivered, installing them and their drivers, and then watching the news as Nvidia releases 8GB VRAM versions of the card might be a bit stressful compared to just buying another 770 and knowing there won't be a better version of it releasing anytime soon and would be the easiest route I imagine.

Can anyone post some benchmarks comparing two 4GB 770's in SLI and two 970's in SLI. All I can ever find is benchmarks of the 2GB 770 and usually the standard version not the superclocked. The 770 version I have performs better than the 770 2GB in some of my favorite games such as Crysis 3, Watch Dogs, and Shadow of Mordor. So no 2GB 770 benchmarks! =)

Did u find any numbers on the 4gb 770 yet. I'm in the same boat asylu. Have you made a decision?
Still no comparisons between the 770 4GB and 970. There are hardly any benchmarks for the 770 4GB at all. I've decided to stick with 770 because it's amazing lol. I picked up Unity and Dragon Age: Inquisition in the past week and have been playing those games with my system. I played them on tweaked ultra and they ran really well. I haven't had most of the technical difficulties that a lot of PC users are having with Unity. I average around 45-60 fps on Unity and anywhere between 50-70 on Inquisition for the most part.

Nice! I decided that I would do 770 sli as well. There will always be another newer, nicer card so I might as well sli now and in a couple years I will buy something else.

I just purchased another gtx 770 on ebay for $255 today. When I get it I will do some benchmarks and let you know the results if you would like them. I plan to test Shadow of Mordor on the highest settings at 1440p with the single 4 GB GTX 770 and then in sli. I'll let you know the difference in framerates. Hopefully that will help you decide on sli for the future.
Would be cheaper to SLI the 770's if you allready have one pretty simple and the performance if fine right now @ 1080p
I'd appreciate the benchmarks belzoth, thanks :). I agree cia24, the 770 is a great card for gaming at 1080p. 4k might be a different story but it's perfect for 1080p. Do you mind if I ask what model of 770 you purchased off eBay? I've been looking around for the cheapest EVGA GTX 770 4GB Superclocked ACX Cooler model I can find.

I have the EVGA 4 GB cards (3774). I've seen the PNY 4 GB card listed pretty cheap as well. Mine is supposed to get to be on the 25th, so i'll get some benchmarks up on here around then.

I know best buy is clearing out the 4gb 770's in my area for 259.99 brand new.

Look at the benchmarks of 770 sli and 970 sli and compare the prices he allready has one card. For what he is doing the 770's are the better route.
I do like that the 970 consumes less watts than the 770 because I have been trying to cut down my electric bill. I'm curious as to how much more wattage 770's will consume in SLI to that of two 970's. However, it is still the easier route to just purchase an additional 770 so I won't make any decisions until belzoth has posted the 770 SLI benchmarks.

I would guess @8 hours a day it would make a $1 diff or much less a month
Wow, really? Why did Nvidia rant on about the next-gen GPU's reducing power consumption then? I really don't know how watts translate into dollars so I'm curious as to how much money would be saved with a 970. Still, power consumption isn't enough to change my mind about getting another 770 lol.

Give me a day I will run pc for 8 hours with 2 770's in sli, I have a way to read the outlet, I will let you know the information then you can compare to somone that has a 970 sli and we can figure out the $ ammount.
Less wattage also means less heat. gtx 970 sli hasn't hit above 65c for me which is great. I usually run one card, and have another if I want 100-144fps. It's like having a power bank 😀
There is no reason to upgrade if there is no reason to upgrade , if you GPU give you what you need you are good to go.

When your 770 will stop doing work then start considering SLI or another GPU.

But if we speak non practical upgrade's I will say GTX 960 hawk SLI ~_~.
I am considering upgrading to a 970 or purchasing another 770 because the 770 has been discontinued and if I ever want to get my hands on another 770 4GB for a decent price then I need to buy it ASAP. There is currently only one online retailer that sells a brand new version of the specific model that I own for a decent price.

This is the model I own: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/4291194620825753222?q=EVGA+GTX+770+4Gb&rlz=1C1ASRM_enUS606US606&biw=1920&bih=979&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&ion=1&espv=2&tch=1&ech=1&psi=04JxVJa5AcGnNve-hNgJ.1416725277286.3&sa=X&ei=TINxVNT8CcOrNuGQgugH&ved=0CJgBEL4k

It's become very expensive since it was discontinued. I bought mine back early in the summer, around June I believe, for $409.99

You can definitely get them pretty affordably used on ebay. I told you got mine for $250. There was a PNY that was buy it now for $220. It seems like they are going in general on ebay for the mid $200s right now.
So, spend $380 if you want a new matching card (which would be important to me, I don't like mismatched cards and I doubt you do either) to complete your 770 SLI setup, or sell your 770 for ~$250 and spend $700 for a pair of matching MSI Gaming GTX 970s at a net cost of $450.

So is it worth $70 to have the new 970 hotness SLI setup over the 770s? I would say absolutely. Even if you were to buy a used 770 for $250, the 970s would only end up costing you $200 more...still worth it to me personally.

Here is somethings to chew on...

On the average the 970 SLI setup will outscore the 770 SLI setup by ~30% in Firestrike benchmarks...

http://www.3dmark.com/search?_ga=1.206226451.1407077153.1415182770#/?mode=advanced&url=/proxycon/ajax/search/cpugpu/fs/P/1383/869/500000?minScore=0&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770&cpuName=Intel Core i7-2700K Processor

http://www.3dmark.com/search?_ga=1.206226451.1407077153.1415182770#/?mode=advanced&url=/proxycon/ajax/search/cpugpu/fs/P/1383/982/500000?minScore=0&cpuName=Intel Core i7-2700K Processor&gpuName=NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

The highest result they have gotten from a 770 SLI setup with the same processor as me is 12541...my single 970 benched out at 11186.