EVGA GTX 970 SSC Power Connectors


Aug 3, 2015
I have seen multiple posts about which connectors are needed to power this videocard: EVGA GTX 970 SSC (http://www.evga.com/Products/Specs/GPU.aspx?pn=d8328514-f9bc-44aa-ae85-d50c9f433297).

The docs say I need 2 6-pin PCIE power connecters. However, the card itself has one 6-pin and one 8-pin.

Do I need a converter to covert the two 75w 6-pin connectors to a single 150w 8pin?

I have also seen that you can put the two 6-pins into the 6pin and 8pins connectors on the video card. This, however, has not worked for me, when I boot I get a message that says "Please connect the PCIE power cables to the video card"

Can someone help me here? Do I need a 2 6-pin to 8pin adapter?

I only have two spare 6-pins, is this I sign I need a new PS?

My current PSU is a stock Dell 460w (XPS 8700). I know that the card recommends a 500w supply, but the card only draws at max 225w. If it gets 75w from the PCIE slot and either 75w from each 6-pin or 150w from the 8-pin) I should have enough power. (other than the processor/motherboard and a SSD, there is nothing else connected to the PSU)

If I have to I can upgrade my PSU, but I was hoping to put that off another few weeks.

Any advice would be appreciated.

I do have the two 6-pin connectors, just not an 8-pin.

PSU is a stock Dell 460w, I updated my question above.
A 6 pin is not the same as a 6+2 pin. That's why I asked.
I'd have to know the nameplate ratings for the +12V rail(s) to be sure the PSU will handle the card over time. Dell had more than one 460W PSU. If it is this one: http://static.gamespot.com/uploads/scale_super/92/929129/2819639-2353877785-51L2p.jpg
...you can squeak by using it (at your own risk) with one of these http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-Express-Power-Adapter-PCIEX68ADAP/dp/B001TK3TJY
But I would not OC the card, or anything else with that PSU.

I dont know if my PSU is the same model as the one that sticker is from, however the power ratings do match, mine are:

+12VA == 18A,
+12VB == 16A,
+12VC == 8A,

Combined output is 385W

I dont need to run this video card on this PSU for very long. I just need it to work for a few weeks until I can pick out a new PSU and have it delivered.

I wont need to do any OC, even with a new PSU.

Also, what would the risks be? I am assuming best case is unexpected shutdowns/bluescreens; worst case frying the video card?

If that data is from your PSU's nameplate, you should be safe running the card until you upgrade. Don't attempt to OC it. If you get shutdowns or reboots, it probably is the PSU not being able to keep up with power demand. Dell does/did use good quality PSUs at least.

If the above happens, reduce the clock speed and volts to reference. At ref. it is only a 145W (TDP) card.