EVGA GTX 980 Ti Kingpin vs GTX 1070


Nov 5, 2013
Hello guys, i was going buy a GTX 1070 for my new system but as some of you know a lot of people having problems with their Micron memory equipped GTX 1070 gpus. Cards that are suffering from artifacts even in cards' advertised stock speeds or when they are overclocked they aren't getting anywhere near the oc performance of Samsung memory equipped GTX 1070s. There are a lot of topics going on about this issue, even one on Nvidia forums and Nvidia keeping us at the dark, doesn't acknowledging the problem, doesn't provide any useful information for us about the issue, they just said we are gonna release new bios but other than that they in total silence mode and this keeps me away from buying a GTX 1070 card. They provided reviewers with all these well performing Samsung memory equipped cards but changing the brand to Micron silenty after couple of months, it is shady. I would be somewhat ok with that if these cards performed as well as the early batches which contained Samsung memories.

Because of all these things, I am thinking to buy a EVGA GTX 980 TI Kingping card with high build quality and asic rate on top of that it has awesome oc performance too, I found it for a price that is little cheaper than Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming. So should i pull the trigger on it? Can this specific card beat a GTX 1070 or at least compete with it well? I ll use it with its own cooling solution.
well if you're well versed on the topic then you probably know the answer i suppose right? honestly can't tell you what to buy. i personally wouldnt buy a card a gen old thats close to the price of a, current gen, 1070.
i really can't recommend someone go out and buy a last generation GPU unless you're getting a deal on it. i would definitely NOT pay anything over $400 for it, and even then i'd feel like i could have gotten a gtx 1070 for around the same price, even given the memory problems you stated. i personally wouldn't pay anything over $300-350 for a 980ti no matter what model it is. it will probably compete pretty well with a 1070 and no doubt still a great card but its just plain....older....which rubs me the wrong way.

oh sure they have drivers for every generation. im not sure about support for anything before like the 200 series but thats a quick google search. out of curiosity where are you hearing about the micron problem?
What do you mean by isolated? This issue can happen on any brand and can happen to anyone, doesn't matter where you got your gpu as long as it gtx 1070 and has micron memory. Btw did you click the link? It was on nvidia forum not tomshardware.
well if you're well versed on the topic then you probably know the answer i suppose right? honestly can't tell you what to buy. i personally wouldnt buy a card a gen old thats close to the price of a, current gen, 1070.