EVGA Introduces Upgradable All-In-One Liquid Cooling System

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I've been a long time EVGA fanboy (6 cards+)...but that system just looks sloppy as heck.

Stick with the simplicity of aircooling for GPUs, or go with a true EKWB for a custom loop. The "hybrid" coolers always looked cheap to me.
I've been a long time EVGA fanboy (6 cards+)...but that system just looks sloppy as heck.

Stick with the simplicity of aircooling for GPUs, or go with a true EKWB for a custom loop. The "hybrid" coolers always looked cheap to me.

I personally love the asus poseidon graphics card. I think it is an awesome looking card and makes it looks like it takes the best of both air and water cooling to perform better (not sure if it actually does lol). On a side note, I fully agree this looks sloppy but it is a step in the right direction
I love that more companies have started making expandable prefilled loops. I installed the swiftech h-240x in my system at home, expanded with extra 280mm radiator and an ek full cover block for my gpu. The hottest temps my system sees now are around 45c.
This is nothing new, Asetek had this on there site for over a year now and its still crap because it only cool the GPU chip, and leaves out the VRMs and Memory.


The EKWB may cost a little more but at least the customer will have a full water block on their GPU. A fancy Logo will not change the fact that it is still the same underperforming pumps and blocks that everyone else uses from Corsair to Thermaltake
I am a firm believer that if you want liquid cooling do it right.
These expandable loops are cool and all, but having the blocks like these are just irritating. The cards are not cooled fully, so you really gain nothing over air, and the tubing on this unit just seems, off. The return line on the CPU is way too long.

Start with something like the H240x and proceed (you know, actual water cooling components), or go full out.
Bunch of old curmudgeons on here. Regardless of functionality it is "cool" to have a water cooling setup even if it is AIO. Even if the pump and fans are louder than your average air cooler there is a good looking and awesome notoriety with the fact that a PC is water cooled.

My first water cooling setup was an AIO and now I am building full custom loops. It will improve the water cooling industry as a whole and I fully support the creation of all things water cooling.

Dont get me wrong, Im using an H100i and enjoy the way it looks and all the oos and ahhs when I explain its full of water to the people in my dorm.
I wish I had gone with a swiftech cooler just so I could add to it in a more cost effective way than having to replace the whole unit. (plus the clear tubing looks so much better.
Evga is introducing an upgradable closed-loop liquid cooling system -- one that you can expand to include up to four graphics cards and however many radiators you want.

If you make a "closedloop" cooling system expandable, isn't it by definition now a "open loop' ?

Since I see "Asetek, can we assume ....

-pump still undersized @ 0.11 - 0.18 gpm ?
-Radiator still aluminum ?
-VRM still air cooled or not cooled ? (Confirmed)
-Low flow rate still require extreme rpm fans ?

but EVGA plans to make those too

I don't see that EVGA "makes" any of the parts, isn't everything "made by" Asetek ?

Compared to EKWB’s Predator lineup, this setup offers a couple advantages. For one, it actually allows you to use multiple GPUs,

You can add anything you want to the EK Predator and Swiftech "OLC's" and their pumps can actually handle it

I think it's safe to assume that Asetek is the OEM.

The oohs and ahhs generally come from the roommate of the guy with a CLC when he's binge gaming with headphones on and the roommate is trying to sleep ! I'd wake up before CPU load hit 50%


That's when ya get gifted a Noctua NH-DH15.... with that, CPU gets 2C cooler and noise gets 12 times quieter


That's vacuum cleaner like

Others have measured 68 ... almost twice as loud as 60


I don't see why peeps would even consider this when full custom loop kits with copper radiators and 10 times higher flow pumps go for $250. As most GPU OCs are limited, if anything, by VRM temps, don't understand what this brings to the table ?


See the pics here for what resuts from mixing copper blocks and aluminum rads


Luckily my roommates are all gamers too, and go to sleep after me XD
I have very sensitive hearing, I hear the cat walking down stairs at night :) Prolly comes from my college years when pranksters would mummify their friends in top bunk with masking tape and similar pranks.... <don't get any ideas ! > ... never got me tho.

My son waked me up when he plays .... the PC is dead silent ... so much so that you can't tell its even on .... he wears headphones so I don't hear the game, I hear him laughing or talking to (some might call it yelling) his teammates:

"Move your %$##% you silly *&$#%head, go RAM that sonofa &^%$% !"

He's been playing this game I call "buggy soccer" where there's this like 16 foot diameter giant ball and two teams play soccer trying to get it in opponents goal using dune buggies. I don't get it but he wakes me 2 or 3 times some nights "yahooing" ... he even fell of the chair one night, he was laughing so hard.

I actually have very poor hearing (not the worst but I cant hear as well as most people I know, I guess thats why I havent replaced it yet)

I mean, I do work for Crown/Merrill tech at my college, that means I have access to several dozen rolls of gaff tape... So tempting...

By chance did you miss the part in the article where thy stated Asetek was the OEM?

The parts are built with Asetek pumps, which are basically the same parts as we see in almost all the standard all-in-one coolers. The difference here is that each module has two quick-disconnect fittings.

Yes, I did.

^^This. About two years ago I tried a Kraken H60 and the fans were just too loud, overcoming even the 5 case fans in my Antec Nine Hundred. It was not worth it for the 2-3C gain over my NH-D14 so I returned it. I know Corsair has better custom fan speed/temp control software, but I'd be willing to give this EVGA solution a shot. Especially considering my two EVGA 970s really pump out heat in the summer and the fans run high to keep temps below 70C at load in my Afterburner fan curve profile.

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