EVGA Nvidia 980ti Display Issue


May 24, 2017
I've got an issue with my PC. I've recently upgraded my motherboard as my old one was bricked, everything worked lovely until Nvidia updated their drivers yesterday. I updated the drivers, as I usually would, when it prompted me to. However, now that my pc has been off all night, I've now gone to turn it on and it won't get past the initial windows splash screen (so I cannot access the main login page)

I've tried unplugging the GPU and pitting it back in to ensure no lose connections etc.

I've booted using Windows safe mode, which may I add works fine, and uninstalled then reinstalled the drivers.

I've attempted to disable the Nvidia drivers on msconfig and boot off this, no luck

I've tried using HDMI, DP and VGA, and two different monitors (one is a 24 inch 1080p monitor and the other a 28 inch widescreen 4k monitor)

I've tried using HDMI from motherboard to boot

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.


It's all in the hardware you have installed and the BIOS options. You need to find the Windows.old file. You might find your 500GB worth of games in there. Not sure how you went about your reinstall...
The build was October 2015, the only thing newer is the motherboard.

Have attempted to run nearly everything under troubleshooting when it goes into troubleshooting mode after a hard shutdown. Will try your download when I get back home.

Very strange issue! Will update this when I attempt your solution.

Ok, thanks for that. To be clear, you did attempt a system restore from within safe-mode?
Not from within safe mode, from the troubleshooting thing windows automatically triggers when it detects a crash or hard power off. Will try doing more within safe mode when I get home, was on limited time limit as 2as nipping out. Will update on my progress as soon as I can.
if you have an Intel CPU, you could;
1. reboot in bios, set default video card to on board, Swap cable to on board video card reboot
2. download DDU and let t drive you to safe mode and remove the offending driver (select Nvidia and use first option)
3. on reboot from DDU done, Jump in bios set NVidia card as default, reboot , give windows a moment to breath and download previous version of driver
and reinstall it.

I've followed the suggestions above and managed to downgrade my GPU to the version before current. Unfortunately, it is still not working at all. I'm lost for ideas here.

When you are in safe mode open an elevated command prompt. Type chkdsk C: /f and press enter. It will tell you not now, how about at the next reboot. Y

If that doesn't help I would open an elevated command prompt and type sfc /scannow and press enter.

As a last ditch effort I would download Windows 10 and mount it onto a USB drive. Perform a clean install onto a second drive, if you have one. Prior to installing remove the current OS drive and install another one. Same link as above to get the ISO but download the media creation tool instead. Make sure your OS is tied to your M$ account. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/20530/windows-10-reactivating-after-hardware-change. Once you have the clean install done and all updates are applied and you have rebooted to make sure 10 is working right after all updates, power down. Install the offending drive. All your programs will work but you may need to re-download/install Steam or other game clients to your new OS drive and tell it where to look.
Had to reinstall my OS, but for some reason it now gives me two versions of Windows 10. 4 and 8 (???). Lost all my data sadly. Now to download over 500GB worth of games and software again! If anyone can let me know how to make it launch without the option to go to the old version (broken version) of Windows I would be very appreciative. For some reason, my SSD seems to be almost full with files from before and also a full windows install, but the new installation installed onto my 3tb hdd instead. Computers can be such a pain.

It's all in the hardware you have installed and the BIOS options. You need to find the Windows.old file. You might find your 500GB worth of games in there. Not sure how you went about your reinstall. Should you find them and want to move them you can use http://lifehacker.com/how-to-move-a-pc-game-to-another-hard-drive-without-re-1714706774.

http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-3437497/running-slow.html shows how I clean out the junk in the trunk.