EVGA Precision X help


Jun 19, 2015
Whenever i open up EVGA Precision x i get an error message says "EVGA Precision X server has stopped working". Whenever i adjust the fan speed and apply it when its open on my EVGA Geforce 970 FTW ACX 2.0 the fan speed will change. As soon as i close the program it goes back to normal though(where the fans do not run until 60C. I am trying to have fans run at 10% because my gpu is at about 60C just surfing reddit(fans not on). Please help me fix this software.
There seems to be a bunch of superfluous programs running on your computer, which I'll soon list -- said list will be ordered by program name and PID (as a reference to the screenshots; the PID is subject to change, so the PIDs at the time you made those screenshots may not reflect their current PID). The programs I find concern with are as follows:

■ "officeclicktorun.exe" (PID 7084),
■ "LMIGuardianSvc.exe" (PID 8360),
■ "LogMeIn.exe" (PID 6500),
■ "ramaint.exe" (PID 2300),
■ "LogMeInSystray.exe" (PID 6624), and
■ "NetworkManager.exe" (PID 6304).

Are you a programmer, hardware/software tester, or system administrator? Do you ever need to connect to your computer remotely? Lastly, are you a professional gamer who streams?

I don't do any of the three listed. I'm just a 15 year old kid that built this PC for gaming(not professional) and schoolwork. I don't connect to this computer remotely.
Okay, based on your response, it seems as though someone has clearly installed a backdoor into your system. The "LogMeIn" application is meant for people who want to access their computer from another computer or smartphone. This not being the case, someone placed it there without your knowledge. Take a few screenshots of the applications you have installed (in the Application Manager). List as many as is possible, but redact information (black it out) if necessary. From there, I'll/we'll tell you which applications you ought to uninstall. Afterwards, I/we will instruct you on further steps, like, cleaning and/or maintenance procedures to get your system running more smoothly and securely.



I believe this is what you are looking for. If not could you instruct me on what to do. Thanks