News EVGA Releases The Z490 Dark K|NGP|N Edition Motherboard For Overclocking Addicts

Seriously the chip set z490 was release just 2 month s ago unlike AMD flagship chip set which 15 months old and the 1200 pin chip is current for 1085/1900 Intel chips
I know! Not sure why AMD didn't change the chipset and socket so that any upgrading requires a new motherboard!
The only chipset guaranteed to support the 5000 series that wasn't released this year, is the X570, released last year. No 3 series boards are expected to have support, and only some 4 series will have support. Odds are, most people are going to need a new motherboard anyway. Releasing a new socket compatible chipset would have hurt no one.
AMD slammed Intel for changing the pins to often which is bit true but there made mistake they promised not to do the same that so they build new CPUs on old architecture . which is Intel again in in the top with there z490 board and the 1085 to 1090. anther thing 10 cores is all you need for games as test of core with several games show most use much less then 10 cores. in fact a few game that are core intensive suffered with more 10 cores in fact suffed with virtual cores as well. as while AMD is good choice for a server it lacks in game box