And this is where the lines get blurred when you are looking at the overall picture, how much of this "excess" inventory laying on warehouse shelves at this point is actually Nvidia's or the AIB partners?They got a $1.4 Billion miss on earnings, a failing stock price, and angry AIB partners laying off workers because of falling sales and excess inventory sitting in their warehouses. Not to mention most in the industry are predicting flat sales at best next year. So, they basically have problems on top of problems heading into a recession.
Something else to look back on is how many of these card manufacturers slowed down and delayed production late in 2021 under the premise to have stock available for the coming quarters which such decision now seems like it may be actually biting them in the behind today?
I have no pity for these manufacturers as they milked the shortages and pandemic for all they could milk it for.
All of the AIB partners were only manufacturing their highest end, highest cost with the most profit margin cards and not releasing any of the more budget offerings as they knew they could sell every card they made faster than they could make them at the time.
Maybe a little karma is in order and not so bad for a bit to remind them just like us customers the markets do shift and sometimes you are not the one in the drivers seat and total control.