So I have seen and heard about the original 650w SuperNOVA PSU, with it's red cables and (God I hated this when I saw it in a video) a handle that's not removable. I found this other version known as the G1 version, and it comes with all black cables and no handle. All the other specs seem the same and it has a perfect 5 from Amazon reviews. I ordered mine yesterday and it is supposed to be arriving tomorrow. Of all the videos I found of the regular one, is this one any different? Does anyone have this power supply and have any experience with it? It's also fully modular just like the other, 80+ Gold, 4 12v rails with 20A each. My build stores an i5-2500k with stock cooler, MSI HD 6670 (But changing to an MSI R9 270X by Tuesday), Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7200 RPM. This is to replace my 450W Thermaltake PSU which does not have sufficient amount of amps on the 12v rail to power the 270X. I do not plan on OCing my CPU, if anything I plan on OCing my new GPU.
Basically, is it good for 85 bucks? Can it run my system? Is it reliable? Would the $15 rebate be worth losing the UPC if anything goes wrong? What's really the difference between this one and the original? Would I have been better off with sticking to the order of the CX600 (Cancelled that order because Amazon was taking forever to start shipping, then expanded my budget when I saw this PSU, though I hear CX is bad for gaming anyways)? I'd love to hear especially from anyone who owns this PSU so I can really get to know what the experience of it would be like before sending the rebate in, although all help is greatly appreciated.
Sorry for all the questions, and I'm also new to this forums. I always come here for a lot of questions and finally decided to register to make a question of my own.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Just noticed the move in thread, sorry about the wrong section post!
Basically, is it good for 85 bucks? Can it run my system? Is it reliable? Would the $15 rebate be worth losing the UPC if anything goes wrong? What's really the difference between this one and the original? Would I have been better off with sticking to the order of the CX600 (Cancelled that order because Amazon was taking forever to start shipping, then expanded my budget when I saw this PSU, though I hear CX is bad for gaming anyways)? I'd love to hear especially from anyone who owns this PSU so I can really get to know what the experience of it would be like before sending the rebate in, although all help is greatly appreciated.
Sorry for all the questions, and I'm also new to this forums. I always come here for a lot of questions and finally decided to register to make a question of my own.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Just noticed the move in thread, sorry about the wrong section post!