EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2 or P2


May 26, 2016
Hi guys, i am looking to buy a PSU, deciding between EVGA SuperNova G2 vs P2, P2 is just 10 bucks expensive than G2, do you guys think it worth the extra 10 bucks? personally i am leaning towards P2 due to its better efficiency and small dimensions. What's your take?

On specs sheets in output section P2 has lower watt (100W as compared to 120W of G2) and 20A as compared to 24 of G2, 2.5A vs 3 and 12.5W vs 15W. Lower is better or what (Please explain if you can)?

Links for Specs Sheets.
P2: http://www.evga.com/products/Specs/PSU.aspx?pn=8e0039af-3be6-43d3-82be-cb47f2630a13
G2: http://www.evga.com/products/Specs/PSU.aspx?pn=eac89383-65ea-4fd4-925e-fc6d7480dcb7

Get the P2 , I own the 1000w version and love it.

Both are excellent units I have a 1000w P2 and could not be happier. The G ones are also excellent. If you can afford it get the P2. There is not much difference other than that. Not a huge human difference both are top top top quality units. But yes if budget has no restrictions get the P2. E: You asked about the amp differences. You do not need to worry unless you are doing very very specific builds that require it even then it is extremely unlikely it will make a real world difference.
Well, "Platinum" vs. "Gold" just refers to the industry quality standards, essentially saying how much of the maximum is guaranteed to always be available.


Platinum is the next level above Gold, & essentially the "guaranteed" levels are 2-3 percentage points higher than Gold. To be honest, not sure why the non-12V rails on the P2 are providing lower amps than the G2. But, as long as you don't need those extra few amps, then the extra $10 for the P2 is well worth it.

Actually even 750W is more than enough for my build, i was going to buying to 650W, then luckily prices have dropped for 750 G2 and P2, then i opted to go for 750 and i can't buy from newegg as i don't live in USA.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Corsair RMx 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $99.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-06-01 15:36 EDT-0400
never seen too much? overkill cant hurt but finding you don't have enough will . you got a 850w g2 [110$$] one of the best evga units for near what a 750 costs so why not ?? seems silly to me to go less for the price of more ?? then you got it if your ever need it cause you never know where any down the road upgrades may take you , but to each his own

good luck


Thanks for your concern buddy, but here it's priced at around $125-130 (as i said earlier i can't buy from newegg). What's your take on 750W G2 or P2? What would you get between these two if money is no problem.

No newegg 🙁 What's your take on 750W G2 or P2? What would you get if money is no problem.
well I don't see anything wrong with gold its just a efficacy rating may save you 10cents a year on your power bill maybe the same parts as a gold but tested to the platmun specs that day ?

then theres titanium psu's as well

[So what do the different 80 Plus ratings mean?]

as for me I just tend to go for the gold just because but price as I said above don't mean id turn down something better at the near same price
The G2 and P2 are practically identical, both the same design made by Superflower. Since you won't be maxing the PSU out you wouldn't really see much "electricity savings", and even then the difference would be pennies per year.

If you feel more comfortable going for the P2, do it, its 10 bucks, its not a waste.