EVGA vs MSI 970


Sep 17, 2012
Alrighty, so Newegg is having their sale, and I just so happened to get a bonus from work haha.

The EVGA Geforce GTX 970 ACX is $290, and the MSI 4G gaming LE is $340. I know the MSI has the better specs, but is it really going to be worth the extra $50?

I would like to run BF4 on ultra, as well as Battlefront 2 and Rainbow 6 Siege, but don't know how much of a difference I am really going to get out of $50. I am assuming maybe 5fps? Let me know, sale ends at the end of tonight. Thanks
Im going to accumulate all the brands down to single sentence recommendations.
EVGA: Superior service, solid quality, decent clock speeds and cooling.
MSI: Great cooling, great OCing, solid service.
ASUS: Very quiet cards
Gigabyte: Highest clock speeds, best OCer, highest failure rate.
Galax: HOF, nothing really special to the normal consumer, not worth the premium.

My recommendation: MSI Gaming.
The card OCs extremely well, which is the 970s strong suit, as well as maintaining low temperatures at a good noise level. Their quality is great, service is solid as well. EVGAs card runs a tad warmer, and is louder, but amazing service. The G1 has higher clock speeds, but fails more often, ASUS is a solid option, Galax is overpriced.
You won't really notice a difference between the two, but the MSI has a higher core clock than the EVGA.

It is really up to you; I feel like there will be no real difference between the two since both are pretty much similar.
You should get neither. There's a controversy with the EVGA ACX 2.0 cooler (you can google it), so only consider the ones with ACX 2.0"+". As far as the MSI LE, all of the other MSI options have higher clock speeds at the same or lower price (after rebate).
The single best GTX 970 is the Gigabyte G1 Windforce, and yes, if you were already looking at a $300 card the improved performance would be worth the extra $50. You certainly COULD get similar performance by overclocking a less expensive model, but getting a card like the MSI or G1 you are guaranteed of the overclock being supported and working well for the lifetime of the card's warranty.

Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB WINDFORCE Video Card ($349.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $349.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-11-08 20:10 EST-0500

Here's a great article comparing the 970 ASUS STRIX vs MSI Gaming vs Gigabyte G1: http://www.overclock.net/t/1516121/gtx-970-comparison-strix-vs-msi-gaming-vs-gigabyte-g1
Uh oh...I just got wind of the Galax HOF 970, and I see the company is located in Grayslake, IL which isn't far from me at all. I emailed them asking if they offer a free game similar to if I were to go with the Gigabyte. It is $40 more ($60 after MIR)....damn what has my research gotten me into haha.
Im going to accumulate all the brands down to single sentence recommendations.
EVGA: Superior service, solid quality, decent clock speeds and cooling.
MSI: Great cooling, great OCing, solid service.
ASUS: Very quiet cards
Gigabyte: Highest clock speeds, best OCer, highest failure rate.
Galax: HOF, nothing really special to the normal consumer, not worth the premium.

My recommendation: MSI Gaming.
The card OCs extremely well, which is the 970s strong suit, as well as maintaining low temperatures at a good noise level. Their quality is great, service is solid as well. EVGAs card runs a tad warmer, and is louder, but amazing service. The G1 has higher clock speeds, but fails more often, ASUS is a solid option, Galax is overpriced.